Modo 801 tutorials?
I'm considering Modo as a new tool, I want to give the trial a go but need to ask if anyone here knows of good free tutorials so I can expedite my learning and by end of trial period be fluent enough to make an informed decision if Modo is the tool for me.
Most best tuts are not free and on Modo tv.
There's a site that has all the videos that are free but most are for 601.
I'll try dig out the link.
But like I mentioned. The best requires dollars
This has all free tuts
The ones on the action centre are worth looking at.
Also if you give the trial a go there's a tut in the manual that will cover the basics. If that tut turns you off then you'll know.
Thanks Rich, hoping as things slow over Xmas I will be able to learn this damned thing, I hate learning new software.
It tougher than Blender.
Mainly because there's such an absence of free tuts.
Here's a list of tutorials. Many of them are free.;t=80320%26amp;show=eglomot
These aren't free, but they are great.
CadJunkie has a bunch - a few for free, and mostly for 601 it looks like: