Possible to render everything in a model in gray scale?
Seriously, the amount of help you people have given me is off the chart. I´m so glad I found this forum.
Billy Bob, thank you. It works great.
You mention desaturate settings in the first post. Curious though, no saturation and override material sound to be two different things. You can easily desaturate your textured image afterwards, but override materials, like clay, would give all surfaces the same value (and no texture), it seems, prior to shading of course.
Pbacot, that was a bit over my head.
I thought of saturation as it sort of works in Illustrator where you can "lower the amount of colour in colour". I might have been wrong, but the help with overriding material was EXACTLY what I was looking for anyway! One step at a time here
Just saying there's a difference. Glad you got what you needed. The difference is if you just desatureate the textures and colors would still be there, except red would be dark gray etc.
Hmm.. Well, that would be gray scale too as far as I can see. If you desaturate it fully there´s no colour left? Gray isn´t a colour. I´m probably the one not grasping this fully though.
What pbacot means, is that if you desaturate a dark red, you get a dark gray, but a light red would become a light gray.
With the override material, everything is the same gray value. -
Oh, right, now I get it! Thanks.
when doing greyscale or clay renders, it's usually a good idea to turn on ambient occlusion under the GI options too btw. Adds a little detail to the model.
Wow, nice! Thanks!
I have nothing to do with Vray or this thread, but I want to congratulate you guys for a great way of completing,communicating and helping each other. In a simple 5 posts thread one can find very valuable hints !
No kidding. I became like 800% better at Sketchup and Vray after 3-4 questions. This forum is perfect for someone like me.