Graphic parts list for modern house
I have created a model of my modern small house using components. (floor truss, roof truss, plywood decking, steel connectors, 4 x 4 posts, 6'8" x 12' 0" sliding door units, etc.) I would like to create a graphic list of all of the components showing sizes, and quantities.
I have generated a report using sketchup Pro 2014. Works well. In excel there may be a way to add components to a sum, but it seems overly cumbersome. I'm sure a program like pluspec might be able to achieve this but I would like to create this list using Sketchup 2014.
Any suggestions?
Have a look in plugin store for Tig's components to grid - it places all a models components on a grid centered at the origin (0,0,0) -
components to a grid does work, but this really isn't exactly what I need. thanks though!
Maybe a list version would work. Any suggestions for something that will list all components and give amounts of each component in model?
@schaferron1 said:
I have created a model of my modern small house using components. (floor truss, roof truss, plywood decking, steel connectors, 4 x 4 posts, 6'8" x 12' 0" sliding door units, etc.) I would like to create a graphic list of all of the components showing sizes, and quantities.
A sample model and what you think the list should look like would be most helpful.
@schaferron1 said:
components to a grid does work, but this really isn't exactly what I need. thanks though!
Maybe a list version would work. Any suggestions for something that will list all components and give amounts of each component in model?
It has a different goal, but maybe the CutList plugin would serve your needs?
You can create your own reports by editing the example code found here
I mentioned it before [anchor= goto=]here[/anchor:2d0zzw5x]