VRay 2 ignoring min/max rate for Irradiance Map
So, this is happening very randomly (usually after testing stuff with RT), but VRay ignores my min/max rates for the Irradiance Map and only calculates one ('Prepass 1 of 1') at the specified max rate.
Sometimes it jumps back to working properly, but I have no idea why or what could have caused the jump.
Prefiltering light cache. 1 interpolation maps registered Rendering interpolation maps with minRate=-4 and maxRate=-2 Setting up 2 thread(s) Threads completed Calling endPass() on irradiance maps Calling prePassDone() on irradiance maps Image prepass completed. Rendering image.
Is anyone experiencing similar problems? Or what am I missing?
check that "multipass" is enabled, maybe that got unticked. Your log looks like it calculated correctly. Have you noticed a difference in your GI as a result?
no, because when it's being calculated how it should, there's repeating lines of "Setting up 2 thread(s) | Threads completed."
multipass is enabled; after all, here are my settings and render results.
click for larger picture
update: for whatever reason, when i turned off the DR, irrmap's working again... lucky me i have only this computer to use.
it's still weird.
I just now read on the Chaos Group forum that with DR, each bucket calculates all the irmap passes individually, so you don't see the multiple pass with DR enabled. It is expected behavior apparently.
http://forums.chaosgroup.com/showthread.php?80428-Only-one-irradiance-map-pass-! (registration required)