High resolution and skybox
I have two separate issues:
High resolution rendering. I am trying to render at roughly 10k resolution (19200x10800) however v-ray refuses to even write the data to xml and just causes Sketchup to crash. Is there any specific settings I can try to make the render happen and add some stability to it?
I recently updated v-ray and since then it always renders alpha channel even though I deselected it and only have RGB Color selected. I am trying to keep the skybox from the frame buffer. (Saving as .png)
you need to write to .exr or .vrimg raw files. Check "save output" and select a file name. Check the "Render to VRImage" box and use "preview" mode.
Other thing you can do is render only the LC and irradiance maps at much lower resolution, save them, and then render the final image with the maps "from file"
You can also use the 64-bit workflow that Ted has posted about in other threads.If you want your sky saved as part of your image, you'll need to uncheck the "Alpha" channel. Otherwise, what I do is just save a jpg and stick it under my png file in photoshop.
I had the same issue with the skybox a while back. I have the alpha channel unchecked, yet it still renders with alpha channel for some reason.
I had this same issue a while back. I ended up rendering to EXR and doing it in pieces and pasting it all together in Photoshop.
I would probably resort to that if I actually had Photoshop, which I don't
do you have the current version (service pack 2) installed? I believe alpha channel is working correctly now.
Version is 2.00.24261, the latest the retailer could offer me.
SP2 is .24942 and should be available to download on the chaos site of you are a legal customer.
As for the Alpha issue - I just tested and can confirm that it is fixed in SP2. Saving to PNG with no alpha channel selected will produce an image that doesn't remove the BG.
As for the saved LC and IR map thing, I have tried this with no avail. Maybe Andy can share a tutorial? Saving IR Maps seems to be bugged still.
As for the large sized EXR - I would save to VRIMG and not EXR. My experience is that PS will crash on very hi res 32 bit images that contain multiple layers (this is only applicable if you are rendering various channels.... i think).
As for the not having Photoshop. You can render out to VRIMG and than use the utility to save out your channel(s) to PNG. Use whatever you want to edit, Gimp, MS Paint, a stick and 2 stones, etc.
Will try the version from chaos. The retailer told me this was the latest there was, guess they haven't gotten the news yet. I'll let them know.