"Failed to Save" during "Autosave"
did you ever resolve? I'm having the same problem. any suggestions on how to solve this?
Lynn -
I'm on a mac and having the same problem. All it does is interrupt me with "will not save"
What happens if you try to save it on your local hard drive?
Has anyone found a solution to this issue. Never had problems until I think I started using Make 2014. I have restarted sketchup but didn't help. Saved file but still seems to come back.
Ken, are you trying to save to a shared or external drive?
No It is my main hard drive. Autosave every five minutes fails. I have restarted my computer and reset PRAM. I realized that I rearranged the locations of my Sketchup files and think that may be the issue. The one file I have been working with I failed to move the Autosave file to the same location as the main file. Thought that was it but it wasn't. Still may be related. Have any thoughts on this?
The problem is specific to a drawing. I created a test drawing and the autosave created a file with no issue. I removed the autosave file to a different location on the bad one and it won't create a new autosave file.
On the test file I moved the autosave file to a new location and it created a new autosave file.
On the Bad file I created a new file and then copied the drawing from the old to the new. Failed to Save came up again so there appears the drawing is corrupted.
Any more thoughts?
Add some more. I can't even get a new file to work properly now. I also tried to remove anything related to Sketchup and then reinstalled. No help. I did save the 2014 file as a version 8 file and I could open it with 8 and never got a message but I also couldn't see were a autosave file was being saved. Strange thing was the setting for how often to save didn't change what what I had set for 1 minute. I would have thought it would have gone back to the default 5 min.
One more test. I ran disk warrior with hopes of a fix. Didn't. I tried another new file and it saved ok until I saved it and gave it a name. Old files seem to work OK with autosave. Only about 4 recent ones are not.
Have you tried a symtem restore;
Is it possible the drive dirty bit is checked? This would be caused by the SUB drive not being safely removed? If it was I would expect windows would be flagging but don't know about USB drive.
Have you tried to run checkdsk on that drive, that would reset a dirty bit. I see form your post you did run a third party app but I usually don't trust them;
On of the episodes of defrag tools discussed this at 20' into start here http://channel9.msdn.com/Shows/The-Defrag-Show/Defrag-Ejecting-USB-devices-Game-stopping-Windows-Button-Getting-MKV-File-Thumbnails -
Sorry, but I am on a Mac. I think you are referring to Windows.
I should have noted that I tried these same files on another computer with the same fail to save. How worried should I be in having these files go bad on me so I can't open and use. I should also note that I tried coping just one component to a new file with the same errors.
On a Mac, Sketchup Make 2014, exact same problem. Upgraded computer, OS, and SKetchup release at the same time, so too many variables for me. I dont think there are any corruption issues with the files though, am trying to work out how to change the default Autosave location, thought this was the problem.
I'm having the same problem. Autosave keeps popping up "failed to save file" it's very annoying as it interrupts my work flow, but I do need it to constantly save every 10 minutes. Any suggestions?
I had the same problem for several weeks after switching up to SU 2015 pro from SU8. No clue why and it stopped occurring with no intervention on my part and hasn't returned! Go figure ?
SU 2015 pro , imac / mavericks
I don't know if this is applicable to the problem being discussed, but yesterday I worked on a file for over two hours and it didn't autosave (which I discovered when SU crashed and I went to open the latest autosave). Prior to that two hour period it had been autosaving every five minutes (the file I was working on was already autosave_autosave_myfile.skp).
It starts to be a real issue. I experienced this in a bunch of diffrent projects on several PC's (win 7,10 x64) SU2018 fails to perform autosave (no matter it's office server or local drives).
I have a series of unreadable .tmp files (approx. 1/4 of original file size).
'Save as'\purging\saving in previos version won't help. The only workaround (if you are lucky not to miss the moment the mess with tmps has begun)is to copy-paste portion by portion to a blank file.
A side observetion: all those files had a number of acad drawings for reference. It never bben an issue in last decade though.