Google SketchUp vs. 3dsMax
And what about this?
@unknownuser said:
In five years I bet that more people use Blender than Max! 2010
Blender Forum 196,957 members
300 000 posts in the general Section no number of members
100 000 posts in the general Section
From your statistics, Pilou, perhaps Blender is 3x harder to use? 3x more questions! haha
I joke...
@olishea said:
...and this thread is 4 years old lol
I assume he made a search, but didn't take any notice of the dates of the original discussion...
Comparing SU with 3ds Max seem slightly ridiculous IMO...
It's like comparing a Lamborghini with an Audi... -
Not such a good comparison Kim, as Lamborghini use Audi engines.
I know what you mean though haha
@unknownuser said:
I assume he made a search, but didn't take any notice of the dates of the original discussion
Normally each post has its own date!
Mine was 4 years old!And older of 2 days against the first post!
@olishea said:
Not such a good comparison Kim, as Lamborghini use Audi engines.
I know, Oli...
Wanted to see if anybody would comment on exactly that...
Besides, don't you have an Audi A3 - as far as I remember...? -
I always suggest my friends to try Sketchup and inspire them by showing how can I quickly do things from small object detail to large urban model.
I only need 3dsmax when client ask for some WOW images.
SU is must have tool for designer. It takes a 3D guy only few weeks to start to drive like a sport car.
@pouria said:
advantages of SU :
4.nice renders
...advantages o 3dsmax :
3.perfect rendersWhere is SU producing renders (in the meaning of photoreal renders not displaying shadows...)? There are many great render engines available for both programs (Maxwell, v-ray,...) and for instance the SU plugin for Maxwell supports almost all Maxwell features.
@pouria said:
advantages o 3dsmax :
2.perfect and accurate work space?!?
Where is 3DSmax more accurate than SU?!? The snap function in max is horrible and far more superior in SU. And max keeps rounding numbers to one two or three decimal places depending on the function and i really don't want to work in mm to be able to get a more precise input... And take a look at the "resulting accuracy" depending on system units and scene size...
In SU i can have at least 6 decimal places. The only accuracy problem in SU comes from segmented curves... but this was another point in your list.@pouria said:
advantages o 3dsmax :
@pouria said:
disadvantages of 3dsmax :
1.takes more time
2.hard to learnsorry, looking at your comments it seems that SU is at least equally hard to learn for some people...
what a useless post... and this in a 4 years old thread. Great first post on this forum!
@frederik said:
Besides, don't you have an Audi A3 - as far as I remember...?
Oh you mean this one?
that's fun and impressive.
Very different objectives and capabilities.
About frame rate:
I actually test the same object ( BIG ONE) in Sketchup and Blender and the blender advantage in framerate was very small. Kind disappointing. Don't know if is my computer but I was expecting a enormous advantage. -
This thread reads like some kind of comic book super hero battle....
FWIW, 3ds Max 2015 can import .SKP files and export .DAE so it appears that one can start with either one and finish w/ the other.
As someone already said, 3DS MAX does proper animation.
Where SU is weak, IMO, is almost everything with textures. The basic paint it function works of course but beyond that it is either klunky or not there when compared to other 3d CAD tools. Maybe addressing that weak hand isn't needed for BIM but IMO it's needed for almost everything else.
@frederik said:
Comparing SU with 3ds Max seem slightly ridiculous IMO...
It's like comparing a Lamborghini with an Audi...I think it's more like comparing a battleship to a speedboat. Sure, the battleship can do more but it's a bit much for taking a spin around the bay.
Also, I think people should bail from Max in favor of Cinema 4D - a really great program and simple to use (compared to Max) like SketchUp. I'm doing a demo right now and it's going to break my heart when I get to the end of it and face the fact that I can't afford it right now. Love working in it, love animating in it.
Try it - the demo is for 42 days plus they give you an hour one on one with a Cinema trainer.
I will choose sketch-up any day,why choose a complicated software like 3ds max to do something that a simple software can do.The first time i saw the interface for sketchup I was very impressed with it as well as the ease of use, so I started using.
Now following several forum with people singing praises to 3ds max I decided to take a look at it.A colleague opened it on his laptop and guess what?the interface is boring and looked complicated as others have mentioned.
I think sketchup has made 3d modelling very easy for newbies and some people are not exactly happy about it so they will tell you sketchup is amateurish,I strongly disagree.
Besides is not always about the instrument ,is about the person who wields it. -
What's a better tool, the pencil or the pen?
Pencil - comes with built in eraser, can create soft shading, needs to be sharpened often...
Pen - smooth dark lines, no need to sharpen, somewhat permanent...
My point is you can make great images using a turd and a paper bag if you have the most important thing... TALENT.
Definitely SU is suitable for architectural works. But if it's necessary to go further, I would rather use Rhino instead of 3DMax. I've once tried to learn 3DMax by myself, but I was close to break my laptop so I gave it up.
@alex jenyon said:
I work in a large VFX studio. I've got unlimited access to Maya/Renderman, Houdini, Massive - you name it, it's all there!
They also, on my request, own a copy of SketchUp.
Sometimes, SU it all you need. And if it's all you need, it's probably the fastest solution too.
You don't need a ferrari to round up sheep - you need a sheepdog.
(And just to be really pedantic, 3ds Max wasn't used on Avatar, maya was, but I realise that's sort of beside the point for this argument)
I believe Vue Xstream was used on Avatar. And I think that a few different programs were used.
Max vs SketchUp in Architectural Sense... Sketchup hands down.
Things Max can't do in Architecture, that SU can do? I can't even list them all, the list will be too long, but a short list would be devastating...
No Documentation Tools.
No architectural plugins of real sizing and spec.
No real Bim integration that is truly seamless.
No Proper hard media production views.
No market or source of proper construction models.Those are enough to fully disqualify Max for pure architectural use from start to finished product...
Not too mention the fact that Max is exactly what Sketchup is... A conglomeration of plugins and customizations. hobbled together year after year. That is what Auto desk does... They buy small plugins and scripts and then push them into the back side and buy another one.
As someone who uses the learning edition to train in game building and who uses Sketchup to do real architectural work, I can say from experience that Max crashes all the damn time.
Rendering quality? Many of the same exact render systems and plugins are used on both. I see no difference in the availability of quality renders. And actually, I think the rendering and texturing of Sketchup with Renderer is better than Max. I don't need uv proper mapping for architectural use. I need it for organic models and such. I'll put Thea and an experienced Thea user against any Max render.
Max is powerful... It has more capabilities than SU... None that are particularly suited to Architecture though.
It has a large learning curve that is completely unneeded. It's because of the mess they have made, that it is as difficult as it has been. There are many other modelers on the market that beat Max at their own game.
The price is a big kick in the purse strings with a $3000 dollar price difference between the two.
Max is for movies, animation, heavy detail, heavy poly, super high quality modeling. In that sense it can deliver a better product. But for pure architecture? No... Sorry Maxie... You lose.
My architecture work runs solely in sketchup and it's plugins to create 95% of the work I need as an architect from concept, presentation (including photorealistc rendering), construction licencing, construction documentation and actual construction follow up.
I couldn't do it with Max alone. Could you?