Is BimUp 5D As Good as it Appears?
Is the talk about plusspec at 3D basecamp 2014 available online anywhere?
For that matter, is any of the content from 2014 available online? I can't seem to find much
Not yet. I know it has a 30day money back option which is the same as a trial if you remember to look for the refund.
It comes with 35 YouTube videos when you purchase along with a detailed manual.
I have watched what videos are available but I'm surprised they don't make more info available before you buy - there are a few BIM packages to choose from now and I can't see myself trying each one out on a 30 day trial or something like that.
I'm more inclined to spend 30 minutes or so watching videos on each and then make a purchase and do my best to work with it.....
I would say the "5D" and "6D" thing is a bit laughable... or what is meant by the additional dimensions?!? 4D means time, but then?
The homepage design is quite horrible... bad layout and very confusing. I can't find a feature list...
And it seeems that their money maker is the "BiMUp Warehouse" (designed by trimble?!?) - it looks like every little bit has to be bought in the warehouse... "only $149" for the program
"UK Plumbing - 110mm S/S Bend - 45 degree ยฃ1.99", "UK Plumbing - 110mm S/S Single Branch - 87.5 degree ยฃ1.99" And many other single
What the...?!? Is this a joke?...and i still don't know what can be done with this program - only that John Bacus really likes their "use of the term โday to dayโ BIM."
Re: Plusspec
Is this actually avaivalble? If I click on the Buy tab, I get the $395 price presented to me but if I click on the Download or Tutorial tabs, I get a Coming Soon page. I think the price is pretty high unless the program is really something special but there is no real information on the website and no opportunity for a trial. Every program has it's pluses and minuses and I certainly don't buy something at that price unless I can test it.
KrisM -
I see now that the program has been released in the last week but this does not help with the fact that there is no adequate information on the website to make an informed decision with regard to a purchase of this magnitude. I am very interested but definitely frustrated.
KrisM -
Plunk down the money Kris. See what happens and let us know!
Or wait for a review by CatchUp!
$395 is a little much just to get a look. I know there is a 30 day return policy but I don't like the potential hassle. Plusspec was beta tested in Australia and I would be curious to hear some comments from those users.
KrisM -
Super powerful, guys! I've been testing it for some time and without a doubt it is the most extensive add-on to SketchUp there has ever been. Andrew D and his team are putting together a series of YouTube tutorial videos that will be available publicly pretty soon.
I'me emailed him this thread so hopefully he'll chime in sooner of later.
@utiler said:
Super powerful, guys! I've been testing it for some time and without a doubt it is the most extensive add-on to SketchUp...
You're referring to plusspec or Bimup 5D?
He's referring to PlusSpec.
Sent from my iPad
WOW im so impressed, This is on my buy list
@krism said:
I've emailed him this thread so hopefully he'll chime in sooner of later.
Sorry guys, Monday here in Australia, I was out on site all morning.
Okay after reading through the posts I will try and give the simplest answers.PlusSpec and BimUP. I can not comment on BimUp other than what I have seen on the website. It appears as though they do a take off from predetermined models that you assemble after you purchase through the store.
What does PlusSpec do?
PlusSpec gives you a set of tools that will draw & add definable & quantifiable walls, add definable & quantifiable windows, add definable & quantifiable structural's, actually just about everything you will ever need to design or build with. PlusSpec will organise your model for you, add layers, add styles, add scenes for layout and do a schedule of works and a bill of materials. PlusSpec comes with a FREE library of about 1000 products and counting that can be downloaded and quantified.
PlusSpec is not just aimed at BIM it is aimed at designers, architects, home owners, engineers and the construction industry. It allows you to easily and freely draw & alter using the tools provided and at the end you can click 1 simple button and it will do a quantity takeoff of all the things you drew.
If you want to get extra specific with the products you specify you can go through a list in the tool which will allow you to choose an exact brick , wall size, timber type, stud spacing, all the way down to the hinge screws, glass type and window colour. There is so much to PlusSpec and there is too much to write in one simple reply so I thought I would just make a quick video especially for you. It will only take me a minute or two to upload, here is the link. -
@ashscott said:
Am looking for people's experience using BimUp 5D:
If you click on the round reports button on that page there are a number of examples showing dimensions and presentations of models in a way that is not unlike Layout - does BimUp 5D present an alternative to Layout that is as usable as layout?
What are people's experiences with BimUp5D as a Bim tool?
Hi, I just read your post. I tried to get a 14 days free trial of Bimup 5D, but no response from them. I sent 2nd email, then nothing happened.
Don't know what is going on there.
Hard to find the answer on the Pluspec site, but are they charging $395 a year?! I really really hate the subscription model and this will keep me from using it at all.
Let me buy your software and I will use it. Enslave me to mandatory payments every year and I will turn myself inside out finding alternatives. I was lucky enough to start using Lightup before Adam went the subscription route and, if I hadn't, I wouldn't be using that software either. And don't get me started on Adobe...
And why is it almost impossible to even determine that it is a subscription service on the site? No where does it say this, that I could find, unless you actually have to register and then they drop that info?
@otb designworks said:
Hard to find the answer on the Pluspec site, but are they charging $395 a year?! I really really hate the subscription model and this will keep me from using it at all.
Let me buy your software and I will use it. Enslave me to mandatory payments every year and I will turn myself inside out finding alternatives. I was lucky enough to start using Lightup before Adam went the subscription route and, if I hadn't, I wouldn't be using that software either. And don't get me started on Adobe...
And why is it almost impossible to even determine that it is a subscription service on the site? No where does it say this, that I could find, unless you actually have to register and then they drop that info?
Oh really. I didn't come across anywhere, that mentioned this. Thats 3x at least higher than its host program Sketchups updates/subscription. Is it a subscription for updates like SU, or a Subscription that you have to pay $395 to use the software yearly? Because I think that ends up being more than what a generally pay for Autocad Lt.
No Chuck, I believe it's a purchase price that is quoted.... Gee, it would want to be a good plugin to expect that sort of subscription!!!
Hi Guys, subscriptions are the worst! you get to use PlusSpec like you do Sketchup, I sometimes still use Sketchup 8, its the same thing. The first 12 months gives you updates and product support. I will make this more clear in the terms on the site shortly, sorry for the confusion.
So what do you get in the first 12 months? We have some really cool tools that we are just about to implement. The new roof tool rocks and so do the others! I hope to have it available in the next couple of weeks, we have been working on it for over 12 months and 7 months full time.
One thing that I am pretty sure is not clear. I am one of you guys, I design everyday, I love using Sketchup more so in combination with PlusSpec, I am not rich and I do not drive a fancy car. I spent a lot of money and time creating the best tool I could imagine for Sketchup. PlusSpec gets me more work for my design business, actually more work than I can handle and I can draw and estimate twice as fast (probably 10 times faster than the $6000+ packages that other architects are using ) as any Sketchup user in PlusSpec. That is why I have put in the 30 day money back guarantee. If you do not think PlusSpec can save you hours on one model simply request a refund.
It is very difficult to explain how stable, how easy and how powerful PlusSpec is until you use it.
I do not pay or fudge user feedback, the feedback written above was done without me prompting or altering. At Basecamp people were blown away with what we have done and they have not seen what we are about to do.
This is honestly, just the beginning!Here is the feedback (below) I got yesterday from a new user. I must say I am happy with the reaction and I think you guys will give the same kind of feedback. My aim is to improve our industry and decrease our work load. I think I have, yet I am more interested in what you think.
Just writing to let you know everything is going well with PlusSpec. I am a bit addicted to using it! I have a job at the moment to modify a house for a boy with cerebral palsy. I have found PlusSpec really easy to use and get my head around. I have sent the plans to the client and they are very impressed.. You are making me look like a genius! I am just a builder;-)
I am also putting a granny flat on the back of an investment property that I own and have found it great for getting things looking right and working out what to do with it. My wife has no idea in two d but having things drawn up in 3d she could see how it would all work.
Really excited to see where this goes for you guys.To find out more go to
We are changing the website as marketing is not my strong point, feel free to give feedback or constructive criticism on how the site appears. It should be updated tomorrow.
Thanks for your feedback to date. -
No doubt you all realise I have some bumps to iron out as I am new to this. Feel free to give constructive criticism, I will always listen.
The better we can all make this the more Sketchup users in our industry the better it is for all of us. -
A few questions.
Is it possible to export model with BIM information to Revit?
Is it possible to set how deep the window is placed in the wall?
Can you draw simple walls for sketching and change them later to more detailed? From what I see in the videos it look more focused on construction than on design.
How we'll does it work for larger buildings? Examples only show simple house.
How many computers are you allowed to install it on? A lot of people have PCs at work as we'll as a laptop.
Why is there no demo version?
Did I understand it correct that if you buy you can use it perpetually but only receive updates for the subscription period?