Push tool trick?
Hi guys ,
I have a lot of the same elements to push, would love to do it by selecting all elements i need to push and then simply push it but PUSHtOOL wouldn't let me do this. I could only select one face at one time. Is there any way you can do it 'all at once ? -
Hi, if the elements are all the same you can use components: once you modify one of them then all the copies will be modified at once in the same way. Otherwise try with this one .
thanks xxx
Hi folks.
Click in sequence on the scenes tabs of this SU file for ideas.
Well, you could also pull up the first object to the desired height and then double click with the p/p tool on the other faces.
Hi folks.
Yes, the double click to repeat a push/pull operation is easy but, when the number of faces get beyond 20, it begin to get less efficient.
My trick, shown in the skp file of my previous post will work with 1000 shapes as fast as with 10.
Just ideas.