Selecting all faces of a material throughout the model
Bummer on not having components. How hard would it be to convert them? There are some plugins that might help in that regard.
I guess it doesn't help for this model but maybe for future models, it might be worth considering ways to clean up your process to make later edits easier.
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I'm not sure I understand what problem you are having with the plugin Dave suggested. It will select the material throughout the model even when nested.
In this screenshot all three faces are selected at the same time in different contexts.
Hi Box
The plugin does select the material throughout the model even when nested. However, when i try to copy it, and then "paste in place" in a new SU file as Dave R suggested, it doesn't transfer the selection:
Yeah, I see, did a couple of tests myself and it seems to be a rather unpredictable plugin.
Well, I'm kind of at a loss for a solution to your problem with your current model. I can think of several options for the next model but they don't help you with this one.
I had an Artlantis model version, so i just exported the material & it's geometry back into SU:
Thankyou Dave R and Box. I would have gave up ages ago had i not posted to you about it. Should save me a tonne of time now
ps: Dave r, I will deffo implement the comp advice for my next model
Box, its good to know i'm not the only one who experiences it's unpredictable nature. However, seeing as it actually selects the material perfectly, but i cant transfer it via copy - paste in place, could this be the issue? Not only did it not paste the entire selection, but other materials & in strange places too. i.e some of the roof elements are now on the ground
Yes it appears to move the faces to the origin of the parent component rather than retain their global position.
I've been hunting and it amazes me that I can't find a plugin to do this. It would be very handy.
I managed to get most of the selection on a new layer, with the put on layer plugin(
but then i can't isolate it, as its nested within layer 0.
oh, i forgot to mention, there's material maintenance:
which allows you to higlight material selections, but it's currently crashing on my big model -
Not in my wheel house so a shot in the dark:
Have you considered saving the model msterials as a collection. You can create a skm file which will contain all the materials. That file is a zipped file so just change name to zip and unzip and you can edit the files. I assume you have a relative few unique files that need changing so it may not be a big effort. You probably want to keep same names??
BTW this is a very easy way to ID materials causing large MB use in you model and unzip is not necessary. The skm file report the individual size and large ones will stand out.
just some thoughts. -
Hi Mac1, would skm files contain the geometry they are currently applied upon? That's what i need so:
@fullyfledgeded said:
I can add light portals more easily & quickly. Then import back into the original file.
No. The SKM files wouldn't contain any info about the geometry the materials are applied to.
cool, well I'll deffo look into SKM files now i have some insight. I'm trying to get more organised with my SU work anyway.