Problem with leaf mapping in render
Hi all, first sorry for my english level.So here it is i have a problem rendering *.3ds file in sketchup with v-ray.In view port after importing the model it seems like it should be,with its leaf clipped, but in render leafs stays in rectangles without clipping them into leaf shape.Thank you for your time!
Even my obj files are not rendereble, only when i export to v-ray proxy something apears on the screen.. that screenshot was exported and undo..
You need to tick "use texture color as transparency" in the diffuse of your leaf material.
Thank you! it seems i was blind but now i see!
thanks again
I don't understand why this isn't ticked by default...
it is in 2.0
Oh? Great!
you could also hack the VRayPlugins.xml file to modify this setting in 1.49.01... but that's a little dangerous
<parameter handler="default" label="Use color texture as transparency" listType="none" name="use_color_tex_alpha_as_transparency" type="bool">
Enable this if you wish to use the alpha from the color texture for transparency
</parameter>just have to change the false to true