4 mitred edges
Yes, practical when you want the all corners, but not when you want just 3 corners
@unknownuser said:
Yes, practical when you want the all corners, but not when you want just 3 corners
Select the three edges you want to offset then then
No, 3 links or more
Pilou, why is it that your examples have nothing to do with the original poster's question?
Some deviations
But some ideas for Push Pull some drawers! -
Hi, thanks for the replies...
@pcmoor: tried your example, but when I look at the bottom of the panel, it looks like this:
What am I dong wrong?
That would be correct since you haven't already made the thing 3D. Draw a rectangle, use Push/Pull to make it 3D then follow the steps to move the top surface as above.
Offcourse...Thanks.. Sorry for the stupid question...
Here's another one: Is the mitre 45 Β° using this method?
The drawing of gilles is almost exactly what I want to draw by the way... -
the miter will be 45 if you move the surface up or down by the thickness of the material
Or it will be 45Β° if you move it by the width of the offset.
Also, you could make the panel with the final thickness, do the offset and then select the exterior edges and move them down while holding Alt on the PC or Command on Mac.
If you're drawing drawer fronts you really ought to just draw them vertically from the beginning. I would draw them in place on the case to use the case as a reference for dimensions.
@tommy75 said:
Offcourse...Thanks.. Sorry for the stupid question...
Here's another one: Is the mitre 45 Β° using this method?
The drawing of gilles is almost exactly what I want to draw by the way...There is no stupid question, sometimes stupid answer.
Use guide lines ( ) to create inference at the desired angle, length...
I just tried it using the follow me tool, and it worked out pretty well (only did one layer though) Is there a video tutorial somewhere on this miter issue? Can't really find one that fits my question...
What specifically is your question? It seems like there's several different ones throughout the thread.
I want to draw the closet as shown in my first post. It has mitered sides, that was my initial problem. While learning and drawing it, I encounter some other things I don't know yet, so I thought I'd just ask in thios topic, because it's about the same closet... And all my questions are about the miters...
On your last question, a picture would help to explain what you mean about taking off a "layer". Are you trying to do the miter with a follow-me? Doable. Probably not a video on "Miters" in general, as it is pretty easy and many methods. The question is what would fit your question? What's the specific question? Someone might even make a video.
You should build models as you would build them in real life. So treat the various pieces as different pieces of wood.
Your unit can be broken down to
Top and bottom (1 component flipped to make second) Blue
Ends (1 component flipped to make second) Red
Dividers (1 component arrayed to make 5) Green
Draw body (1 component arrayed to make 6) Yellow
Draw front.(1 component arrayed to make 6) Pink
And I guess a back but I didn't bother.Because they are all single rectangles, you can simply give them thickness, draw a diagonal at the corner and use that as a follow me profile to make your mitres.
You probably need to learn how the inferencing system works and how components separate and allow you to repeat geometry.
Follow me cannot split its direction, so it won't make a 3 joint corner.
Thank you all!!!
Incredible how you guys respond...
@Gilles: Will take a look at it today. Thanks.
@Box: Very helpfull, will take a look at what you mentioned: "You probably need to learn how the inferencing system works and how components separate and allow you to repeat geometry." I'll try and find some tutorials on the inferencing system...@pbacot: By a layer I meant just one part of the closet, for examle one side...
I'll let you alle know how I proceed using all advices...
Again, thanks!