Pizza model -how to do?
Hi all, I've tried to recreate the above model and have done it every way but the right way. How did the modeler get that radial mesh, and is it necessary for the end result?
I made a rectangular mesh with the Sandbox tools (grid and smoove), drew a circle over it, exploded, and then trimmed everything outside the circle. However, the pizza picture has to be tediously painted onto each polygon. It appears that the modeler just painted one complete image onto it (or maybe I'm wrong. Just didn't think anyone would spend the time doing that). I tried smooth/softening, but that didn't work, either.
I can position the pizza texture nicely inside a circle, I can make a rectangular mesh inside a circle, but I can't put the two together. Any ideas?
Have you tried projecting the image onto the mesh?
Post the file as you've got it.
Dave ...that's all I've been doing for two hours.
All I can do is project it piece by piece onto each polygon ... there's got to be a better way? Does the radial mesh in that model have anything to do with it, do you think? And how did he do that?
I already did the equivalent of wadding it up and throwing it out, lol. I will recreate and post later.
I don't know why, but I believe you haven't found yet how to soften/smooth a surface and to project an image onto a surface .
When you have your round pizza surface, smooth it out, then place your image above the surface(scale the image to closely match-slightly larger- the surface) and paint the surface with the projected texture (make sure you have the Hidden geometry off).
Turn off the hidden geometry! Of course! facepalm...