Line Offset that then connects edges
Hello All,
Is there (......or can there be) a Plugin that acts like the offset line tool but joins the connecting edges to the newly created offset-ed line?
would save a lot of time orbiting from one end to the other and connecting them manually
Not sure if this exists wouldn't look out of o place in a lot of the suit of plugins designed for edges/lines.
c -
great if it was shortcut friendly ....
Could you make and post an image that illustrates what you want to do?
Here you go. this explains it in it simplist terms - but out in the feild when the lines are very long, orbiting, sometimes around, through and over things to find the other end can be difficult and if its slightly off axis, which is very common, Su locks and you have to zoom all the way in to find the end.
this is such a common task in my world i thought i'd mention it and see if theres a speedier way
c -
ExtrudeEdgesByOffset - part of my Extrusion Toolset...
Ahhhh there nice one!!!
now... what shortcut key to use ...