[Plugin] Multiple Component Edit Warning
@unknownuser said:
You mean now I can stop copy, undo, undo, undo, undo, undo, undo, undo, undo, undo, undo, undo, undo, paste in place...? awesome possum!
Not sure what workflow you've been using but it sounds like this plugin is just what you need...
Those are commands I use when I've accidentally edited a component. It allows me to keep the changes to the component I've just made and then go back to a point when the other components are not edited. Then "Paste in Place" remembers what you copied, the "new" component. But this should keep me from having to ever use that workflow... Thanks. and Thanks to Dan.
I see what you mean - my workaround was check the last autosave time and hope I saved it not too far before I began editing the components - that workaround failed me many times
My method works everytime... I think it goes back until the last save. however far back "undo" goes.
I just bumped into this thread and I must say, this is an excellent plugin!
Thank you for sharing,
Glad you like it
Thanks Ash and Dan. I wish I had this a long time ago. Great idea!
I modified the dialog caption of my EditFlag_en-US.rb file so that I can remember the source ruby filename.
In case you want to move it or make changes later?
Hi again,
When working on nested components, there are two things happening that I think could be revised.
1 - The flag doesn't go off as I dig inside components nested inside other components. One has to turn them off manually.
2 - The value showed does not reflect how many components really exist in the model if there are components inside other components.Still better to have it than not so thanks again,
Yes, could certainly do a little more development - this will be taken into account for the next revision
If you are further developing the plugin, I got an idea from using it that I think you could consider, even if it's not that important and there are many ways to get around it:
The window could go a step further and besides displaying the message, it could have a one click button for extending zoom to all similar components, and back to where you were editing.
It's just a minor thing but the alarm box would become both text and function, and all aspects related to the anxiety of editing components would be covered.
Again, this is a very nice plugin, and should have been there from the start. Best regards and thank you.
Your idea is fantastic!
but it doesnt work with V7
I was so excited to use it as well.
Are you sure it doesn't work with V7? It has been tested for V7 so it should work....
Any Response to V7 query?
I love your ideas JQL - I will have to save a little cash to implement them as I'm paying for development out of my own pocket.
I thought you were co-developing the plugin. It's very generous of you to pay for development and then sharing it with all of us. Most of the people here share they're own work and passion and accept donations if people willingly give them. To pay for sharing is something admirable. Specialy now, that many of us struggle with difficult financial questions.
Best regards,
Its improved my productivity - why not share it and let others gain the same?
We can add it to the PluginStore if you want.
Yeah I had a look at that but got preoccupied with something else.
Is it possible to charge for something in the PluginStore? (I'm not going to charge for this version of the plugin but I'm just curious)
In version 2.5 we have a working purchase through PayPal feature. Just ironing out the details.
...very handy and useful
thank you,Ash!