Problem previewing models in Google Earth
I haven't used Sketchup for quite a while. Just tried to open a simple model in Sketchup and preview it in Google Earth. It came up with a message saying "Configuring Google Earth" then wanted me to reboot. After I did I could not start Google Earth. The Start Menu shortcut to it was pointing to a supposed googleearth.exe file at "C:\Users\Peter\AppData\Local\Google\Google Earth\client\googleearth.exe" which does not exist. There is nothing beyond C:\Users\Peter\AppData\Local\Google. The Google Earth folder is not there.
I therefore downloaded and re-installed Google Earth. Tried to start it but once again it would not start. Checked out the new desktop icon it created and it is still pointing to the non-existent file location.
I changed that to make the target the exe file in c:\Program Files (x86)... (which is dated 12 July 2013) and can now start Google Earth. When I click Preview Model in Google Earth from Sketchup however nothing happens. Does anyone know what could be going on please? I am reluctant to install Sketchup Make at this stage for fear of introducing possible new issues.
- Windows 7
- Sketchup 8 8.0.14346
- Google Earth
Can you right click your Google Earth start shortcut or desktop icon and advise what the target value is please?
I get: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Google Earth\client\googleearth.exe"
That's what I thought it should be.
This is my first try at previewing my model in G.E. G.E. opened but the model didn't show up. I'm guessing it's a permissions issue, but what folder, file do I need to have permission for?