Selecting only lines
I find it irritating when I'm trying to select a line (edge) and a surface behind the line gets selected instead. Is there a way of telling sketchup when I'm only wanting to select lines?
Often a line is running along the edge of a long cylinder (which is also made up of lines). Is there an easy way to get sketchup to select the line I have drawn rather than the lines of something else?
I think you´ll like it
I've used Selection Toys for a while (new V2.2 is out, which I have not yet installed)
I keep "Entity Info" dialog open at all times in the upper right of screen.
ABOVE it is a simple Selection Toys toolbar, where I have just a few icons I use the most, that is: Select Lines, Faces, Groups, Components, Hidden, Soft, Smooth, as well as deselect same list.