Slowing down over time
I am having a terrible time with sketchup the last few weeks. I swapped my video card out because my Radion 4800 was overheating. I swapped in an old Nvidia card. I forget which one off hand. I replaced the heat sink compound on the Radion and installed it again. I thought the Nvidia was causing it to slow down but same issues with the better card.
I even upgraded from 8 to 2013 while using the Nvidia card hoping to fix it. Still no luck.
CPU runs about 65-80% and memory has 500mb or so free. Sometimes its so bad that it just hangs when I zoom in and jerks really slow. Rebooting the computer fixes it.
I'm kinda at wits end with it. I've tried a bunch of stuff but nothing seems to work. I did just dump my plugins folder over so I might have to go through and delete everything I don't need. Maybe one of them is causing the issue.
Any help would be great!
Does this happen with even a very simple model? Say just a few cubes? Or does it require a large SKP file to manifest itself?
It isn't a good idea to just copy your plugins from the V8 Plugins folder to the 2013 Plugins folder. Some plugins have been updated for 2013. It would be better to start with an empty Plugins folder and download fresh either via the Sketchucation Plugin Store or the Extension Warehouse.
Have you tried running your model with no plugins installed? Do you still see the slow down? If not, it would indeed point to a plugin causing the problem. Do you have Vray or a BIM plugin installed? Vray and at least some of the BIM plugins are known problem makers.
I don't have VRAY or anything too heavy installed. Just some dxf exporters and simple stuff. It happens on all my models. I was working on one yesterday with 3 simple parts in it.
But did you try with no plugins installed?
Why not complete your profile with OS version and stuff? It would make it easier to get help.
Having only 500MB of memory. Is that correct?
You don't have anything in your profile about you system , but IMHO that is too low. Can you give more info? -
I have 3gb of ram. 500 is the free memory.
I have a windows 7 system. Radion 4800 and an AMD dual core 2.21 ghz processor. I wouldn't call it cutting edge but it has worked great in the past.
I moved all my plugins out to a backup folder and it seems to be working fine. I'm going to keep it running for a while longer and install the sketchucation plugin and add the ones I need back in one at a time.
Glad to hear its working but still seems low. I would expect you would have around 2GB. Let us know how it goes.
Well I worked on a new model yesterday and about 40 mins into it I started to see slow downs again. Only plugins that are install are a DXF exporter, Center point, and the sketchucation one. Restarting sketchup fixed the issue.
In your orginal posting of 6-22 you stated slow down started about then or last couple of weeks;
Other than the graphics card running hot were there any changes you made to your system at that point in time?
I would not expect adding thermal paste to heat sink would not solve that problem. This means you removed the GPU or at least its heat sink from the graphics card, reinstalled with paste and temp is now OK?Do you know for a fact free memory is that low ( 500MB) even when performance was good?
On 6-23 with all plugins removed it seemed the PC performed as you expect but then on 6-25 with a few plugins installed it slowed down.?
That would seem to indicate you should remove those plugins and try again. If it does slow down take a screen shot of the task manager performance screen( the plots ) and post here;You have told us bits and pieces about your system but:
The PC make model would help, SU free or PRO? I assume you are on Windows 7 32 bit ?, are you on a LAN?;Have you set your system to force the use of the graphics card?
Have you updated the graphics driver?Do you have a restore point before you started having the problems;
How often do you save in the 40 min time frame?
Go to control panel, system info, select tools and direct Diagnostic tool, take screen shot of general tab and post here, then select display and run the two testes.
If this all looks good I would remove SU 2013( Use the control panel add / remove programs) and go back to SU 8 , I assume this gets back close to the baseline you had. True or other changes made?
Do a system restore and see if this helps.
If still problem up date the graphics driver;
If still a problem , download and run a memory test( There are many free ones). -
Ok So my system is a bit better but still not performing good and I now have to restart every 30 mins or so instead of 10.
I wiped all sketchup 8 and 13 files. Reinstalled 13. Then added the sketucation plugin mananger and like 3 or 4 plugins that I need. Simple stuff like center point, dxf export, and something else.
Complexity of the file does have some bearing on it. A simple file just lasts longer before it starts to get jerky on the zoom and then slowly degrade to unusable. Doesn't matter if I'm using it or not. I can just leave it open and come back to have it almost locked up. The rest of my system doesn't have any problems. Just sketchup. I swapped the graphics card back to the better one and the issues is on both of them.
Direct Diag doesn't show any issues. Everything is active and I don't have any problems with anything but sketchup.
As for my memory, 500mb is labeled as free. I have 3gb and have maxed out my windows 7 32 bit system. Windows 7 will just eat all the memory that is left so I technically have like 2 gb free with windows eating it all for transitions and other crap that it will dynamically stop using as my programs need it.
Driver is up to date. I've tried rolling it back and it doesn't change. SU 8 had the same issue. That is what prompted me to upgrade in the first place. So far, I'm not impressed with SU 2013. It's also the free version.
I have not run a memory test but scheduled windows to do one the next time I reboot.
Resetting the workspace from within the preferences menu fixes it once or twice but then it gets all weird and requires a full reboot.
Other then a known issue with the video driver crashing during flash video, My system runs fine and doesn't have any heating problems any more. Games run fine for hours. The only program that is screwy is sketchup.
Could it be the sketucation plugin? I didn't have problems before that was installed. It's the only thing I can think that changed around the time that the problem started and it has been in every instance that I have tried. It was stable for a bit without any plugins but I can't do actual work without my dxf exporter so I generally only tested it for a bit then installed sketucation and the dxf exporter. I might try a fresh install without that plugin.