Anybody recognize this decal?
We really have gone off on a tangent here, down a dark ally one might say....or up the
back passagegarden path even.
But it's a nice break from all the upgrade whining and I'm sure Helln' doesn't mind too much.You do know I will never be able to look at a plugin again without thinking of this. All those threads with titles like, Help with installing plug in..........
Mind? I'm getting an education here
(a perverted education, but still....)
@box said:
You do know I will never be able to look at a plugin again without thinking of this. All those threads with titles like, Help with installing plug in..........
i recently installed the CleanUp plugin.
highly recommended!Snap_to_Unit was.. err.. interesting
Pipe_Tool and Drill.rb were fairly uncomfortable but if i were you, i'd definitely stay away from Recursive_Explode
can someone please-- pretty please!! -- hurry up and find this stupid decal!
And following on these thoughts, in the interests of inclusivity, since we have a dedicated forum for people interested in plugins, perhaps we should make room for other interests.
People who like to model small country houses could have a Cottaging Forum and people who like to model small household pets could have a specific Dogging forum. I'm sure there are many more proclivities we could cater for, I've even heard of ones for tea aficionados, Teabagging I think they call it. -
The staid, sober foundations of Sketchucation are crumbling. hee hee
Tig's new extrude tools plugin makes the eyes water.
On a completely unrelated note that probably doesn't even belong in this thread, I found this............
closer... half way there.
I guess I should have been more careful when I cropped it.
@box said:
I guess I should have been more careful when I cropped it.
Can you tell me where you found this?
It was on the facebook page that Solo posted to.
Here is the direct link to it if you have a facebook login.
Not sure if you can see it these days if you don't have a Farcebook account. -
I'm not a Facebook member (not a member of any of the social media things) but it did let me see it. Unfortunately there was no cropping, couldn't see any more of the sticker. Oh well.
Sorry about that, the cropping comment was my little joke.
No problem.
We're probably gonna get flack for talking about car decals in the buttplug thread
And we will deserve, perhaps enjoy, every bit of discipline they hand out to us.
@chedda said:
I'm English ! Lol I guess this should be in the plugin section.
I'm literally crying with laughter!
and poopy time?!!! ages 3+?!! WHAAAAAAAA?
What is going on in the world?!