Anybody recognize this decal?
in 2006 that was in the other side
I asked the question for you on the Great Race facebook page:
"Don't mean to interupt, but why is this in "SketchUp Discussions" and not the Corner bar ?"
I would say because it's HellnBack working on one of his glorious cars and it's not just foolin around. It's a serious question about his work. Some people stay away from the bar & lounge because of all the smoke, booze and fights.
@solo said:
I asked the question for you on the Great Race facebook page:
I appreciate that, Pete.
I'm thinking the sticker shows a guy sitting in a red sports car (you can see the fender line, and the round number decal on the door). And it definitely says "ACE". Since I've seen many photos of cars with these stickers all over their cars I think it may be for reaching a checkpoint at just the right time, since timing is everything in a rally race.
All this for two little stickers on a car window. Dang details are gonna kill me!!
Not yet the definitve close up original of your first post!
But it's progressing! -
Turns out I was right about what these Ace stickers mean --
"An Ace is awarded during the Great Race every time a team gets a perfect score on a leg during the event. There are usually four to seven legs in each day. Everyone who gets an Ace is given stickers for their car and the team with the most Aces at the end of the event will win a $1,000 check."
But still no pic of the sticker, the OCD gods are out to get you.
here's some still not very close.
I may be missing the point and this IS off topic but, having just spent a shedload on the paint and metal fixes for my car, if someone put a sticker on it I would more than likely shoot them, and not in a nice way either
Actually I reckon nailing their shoes to the floor while my sister extolls her latest theory of why we call the colour green, green bad enough, what she would call it I have never lasted long enough to find out.
@mike amos said:
I may be missing the point and this IS off topic but, having just spent a shedload on the paint and metal fixes for my car, if someone put a sticker on it I would more than likely shoot them, and not in a nice way either
Actually I reckon nailing their shoes to the floor while my sister extolls her latest theory of why we call the colour green, green bad enough, what she would call it I have never lasted long enough to find out.
you definitely wouldn't enjoy the gumball rally then!
@mike amos said:
I may be missing the point and this IS off topic but, having just spent a shedload on the paint and metal fixes for my car, if someone put a sticker on it I would more than likely shoot them, and not in a nice way either
Actually I reckon nailing their shoes to the floor while my sister extolls her latest theory of why we call the colour green, green bad enough, what she would call it I have never lasted long enough to find out.
I think that is true and these men are no different from us, this just goes to show how important these stickers or decals are to these guys. a big point of pride and the others I think are sponsors.
I'm just guessing here but I think they are made to be easily removed (and reapplied). I'm basing this on the many photos of really nice classic cars with huge numbers of these Ace stickers on them, several different styles from different years. I find it hard to believe that they would leave them on all year between rallys, and I also find it hard to believe that the rally organizers would be stupid enough to eliminate a large number of potential participants that would understandably refuse to allow any type of sticker or decal to be put on their machines that might damage the finish when removed.
Again, I'm just guessing here. Could be wrong, it's certainly happened once or twice before
Just a knee jerk reaction and a bit of sensitivity to the subject right now. I have seen this type of sticker and some of them do leave a nasty mark on the paint. I was based in germany for several years and the ruling was that foreign nationals HAD to have a sticker advertising their nationality if they were there for more than a few weeks like we were. My ford taunus mark three was left with paint hanging off afetr I removed the previous owners scotish version for an english sticker. Pity the scotish sticker was not a bit smaller really. My car has just had the interior trim replaced post vandalism and the trimmer made a few dings in the paintwork already. Lucky I have a really good paint guy.........
Where would you put all of those small yet incredibly valuable stickers in between events? While still keeping them in good condition? a large piece of Mylar?
It would appear the only storage criteria for them is, Nowhere near a camera.
obviously theyre from a very famous vintage car rally...
in Buttplug, Nebraska.
I googled Buttplug, Nebraska --
I didn't click on any of them, didn't want to get on a very strange mailing list -
I bet you'll have no trouble getting close up photos of them.