Anybody recognize this decal?
I'm really having a hard time believing that's not a letter in front of the A and that it's not somehow connected to the S blob. However I can't seem to find a word that fits.
Let's ask ourselves what's round that you would only put one wing on? Sports? Racing? Flying?
[img][/img]And why would you have 2 of them in a row on the same side. They didn't come as a set because they both point the same direction. A gift for attending something each year?
New interpretation (better than a Rorschach test!
Seems that can be a girl who fill the cabriolet car's tank at a petrol station!
Trust a Frenchman to find une femme in something as vague as that.
@box said:
A bit more info might help, such as type of vehicle it is on and year. I'm guessing a bus. But without some point of reference it could be anything. There being one in nashville doesn't mean it's from nashville. I may well be a local highschool football team from Buttplug, Nebraska.
Yeah, sorry Box. It's a project that's almost finished, and as a rule I don't like to give away what it is until I'm ready to post it here on the forums. Just one of my many, many quirks.
And, no, it's not from Nashville. It was built in Cincinatti, Ohio, for a company located in St Louis, Missouri. It may have spent some time in Buttplug but I can't verify it@krisidious said:
I'm really having a hard time believing that's not a letter in front of the A and that it's not somehow connected to the S blob. However I can't seem to find a word that fits.
Let's ask ourselves what's round that you would only put one wing on? Sports? Racing? Flying?
[img][/img]And why would you have 2 of them in a row on the same side. They didn't come as a set because they both point the same direction. A gift for attending something each year?
You may very well be right about there being a letter in front of the Ace, and, yes, it does sort of look like there's a fancy "S" in the round blob. But I can't put them together to mean anything. Space?
@unknownuser said:
New interpretation (better than a Rorschach test!
Seems that can be a girl who fill the cabriolet car's tank at a petrol station!
[attachment=1:3h5ia5rm]<!-- ia1 -->ace1.jpg<!-- ia1 -->[/attachment:3h5ia5rm]
Ummm....yeah, that's it
@solo said:
[attachment=1:3h5ia5rm]<!-- ia1 -->ace_e.jpg<!-- ia1 -->[/attachment:3h5ia5rm]
Your enhanced version convinces me it's actually an alien feeding a bear
Your clues weren't cryptic enough, I found the car itself.
It appears to be some sort of Vintage car rally sticker. Something like a record of entry or timing stage. Many cars have multiples.
Have a look at the great race .com If you meander through all the gallery photos you should find a clear shot somewhere.
BOOOOOM! Way to go Box.
By the way, I didn't post the car itself, that's still under wraps for hellnbak.
Hey Box, you the man! Yeah, the car did participate in the 2005 Great Race (but the car you pictured was not it
). Unfortunately, all I've come up with so far are a bunch of photos with the decal even fuzzier than the one I originally posted (don't people take close-ups anymore?). Here's the closest I've come --
and only the top right two decals appear to be the same as the one I need, and of course they are unusable.
But I haven't given up. First it's nap time, then back to it.
Thanks again. -
@box said:
By the way, I didn't post the car itself, that's still under wraps for hellnbak.
Much appreciated. There will be a little something extra in your Xmas gift this year
Don't worry, I know which it is. Didn't want to spoil your thunder.
Near the solution : we must find the year!
Don't mean to interupt, but why is this in "SketchUp Discussions" and not the Corner bar ?
I'd say asking at one of the vintage rally forums would yield an answer faster.
The more I look at it the more it looks like either a participation or stage ace/win award sticker
Maybe better chance in Flicker!
@unknownuser said:
Not in corner bar?
Because Hellnbak makes a reconstruction of the sticker in sketchup!
in 2006 that was in the other side
I asked the question for you on the Great Race facebook page:
"Don't mean to interupt, but why is this in "SketchUp Discussions" and not the Corner bar ?"
I would say because it's HellnBack working on one of his glorious cars and it's not just foolin around. It's a serious question about his work. Some people stay away from the bar & lounge because of all the smoke, booze and fights.
@solo said:
I asked the question for you on the Great Race facebook page:
I appreciate that, Pete.
I'm thinking the sticker shows a guy sitting in a red sports car (you can see the fender line, and the round number decal on the door). And it definitely says "ACE". Since I've seen many photos of cars with these stickers all over their cars I think it may be for reaching a checkpoint at just the right time, since timing is everything in a rally race.
All this for two little stickers on a car window. Dang details are gonna kill me!!