Jim's Toolbar example "Option" Not working in 2013
Jim's Toolbar example "Option" Not working in 2013... Anyone know why?
Basically it's is a very OLD plugin.
Aerilius' toolbar editor should work better than Jim's old editor.
Well the example that comes with it is one of my most used toolbars.
What isn't working though? Error messages? Etc? Toolbars not visible? Toolbar buttons not functioning?
Sorry Thom, Should have put some more detail in. The Options toolbar shows up in the toolbar list with a checkmark but the toolbar itself does not appear. No errors.
@krisidious said:
Sorry Thom, Should have put some more detail in. The Options toolbar shows up in the toolbar list with a checkmark but the toolbar itself does not appear. No errors.
My 'Extrude Tools' had the very same issue - you could see the toolbar listed/checked, but it didn't appear anywhere - that's the reason a future-proofed version has just been issued, this now works in v2013 and all earlier versions too... The way toolbars are initially created and added too is much more sensitive in v2013 than previously... -
? I missed that. What changed?
This is interesting as well... There is a right click on the toolbar area that allows the list of toolbars to pop up and Options is not available on that list even though it is on the list when editing toolbars view the old method. Strange.
@thomthom said:
? I missed that. What changed?
In v8 when you make a shared toolbar and referenced it across modules and added items to it it worked - provided the additions were done as SketchUp startsup.
In v2013 the reference to the toolbar seems to get lost unless it is all processed within the same module, then the buttons don't get added... It's as if everything gets loaded asynchronously and the reference is not in place when the next file's module/class loads
In v8 my ExtrudeTools setup a global reference [$ yes I know] to a new toolbar - this was made as the first rb in the set loaded, thereafter the other files loaded [using different modules/classes etc] and added the buttons in turn. This fail in v2013.
The current solution wraps every part of the toolset in a new 'ExtrudeTools' module, givingg it a TOOLBAR constant referencing to a newly made toolbar by the 'loader'.
The loader then loads the remaining rb files in its subfolder, each of those adds a button onto TOOLBAR as its module loads, referencing the particular tool class in each rb file's module...
Anyway whatever the cause is the new way works and the old way doesn't... -
That's mighty peculiar. I wonder if my ThomThom menu has broken...
This works in v8, BUT NOT in v13:
All of these scripts are in the '.../Plugins' folder...
a.rb makes an empty toolbar, referenced 'globally' as '$my_little_toolbar'.
b.rb which loads next [i.e. alphanumeric order] and adds its button to $my_little_toolbar.
c.rb which loads next [i.e. alphanumeric order] and adds its button to $my_little_toolbar.
...Result: v8 - Toolbar with two+ buttons.
In v13 either NO Toolbar at all OR a toolbar that is 'listed' and can be checked/unchecked but cannot be seen on screen, OR a toolbar that has no buttons at all. It's as if the later scripts load while the first is still being resolved, the only thing controlling their load order is their names and SketchUp's auto-loading code... however, the working example shown below deliberately creates 'the parts' in distinct steps, each one loaded in order by a former one...This works in v8 AND v13:
The first script is in the '.../Plugins' folder and the rest within its subfolder '.../Plugins/a'
a.rb makes an empty toolbar, referenced as 'My_little_toolbar' across a module.
it also loads the scripts from its subfolder 'a'...
a/b.rb which is in the same module and adds its button to My_little_toolbar.
a/c.rb which is in the same module and adds its button to My_little_toolbar.
...Result: v8 and v13 Toolbar with two+ buttons.
That's very odd. :s
Have you filed a bug report for that?
I left it with Chris Fullmer...
It was reported on EEby... very early on in the beta, and then again more recently when issues with other toolbars came up...
'They are looking at it'... -
So is there anyway I can build a toolbar that has commands like this in it? They are native commands but I don't see a way to get them on to a custom toolbar.
anyone had any luck getting this to work?
@dan rathbun said:
Basically it's is a very OLD plugin.
Aerilius' toolbar editor should work better than Jim's old editor.
I tired it today and as far as I can tell it's not capable of using commands like this one is. All I could get was current plugins that already have toolbars with them.
It worked for me. I have set a bunch of scripts into the Toolbar but I have also toggle hidden and hide rest. Some of the Icons are not show up - just a smily button - but the function is Ok. Your scripts are all the native scripts from Jim?
yes all native...
I will try this out and report
Works, except two Icons.
Maybe dumb, but have you checked the preference>extension>custom toolbars
(I meant the last two, just saw one of my own is also in there. - name conflict)