Mon$anto vs. Mother Earth
it's incredibly similar to, say, the NFL.. we pick our team then defend them to no end.. we are fans and do as fans do.. and when our team wins the super bowl, it's awesome.. and if they lose, then hey - always next year
..with the political parties, they make sure it's always flipping between the two sides.. democrat this term- republican the next.. and on and on.
and there's really only one goal-- get that freaking ball into the end zone -
I didnt say anything about republicans or democrats.
but I smell where you're steppin.
@mics_54 said:
I didnt say anything about republicans or democrats.
but I smell where you're steppin.
oh.. right. i guess i quoted you but i was talking more in general.
You are right Jeff. Folks put more effort into choosing their underwear than most of the food they consume!
Did a quick search here on organic growers here in Ireland and located Irish the Organic Farmers and Growers Association Some interesting reading there also the links to Looks like the humble 'spud' is soon to have a GM cousin! However there is resistance to testing.
I located an image which I thought would be of interest to some. I know how much folks here like a good diagram
Its 'The Soil Food Web' and it shows how we are all connected!
I wonder!!!! Do the Money Brokers intend at some future date to genetically modify mankind so that the masses will serve the few more efficiently? No doubt its on the agenda for some and if they are controlling exactly what food goes into us, could they also modify this food further for other ends! We all have heard of the old saying, 'You are what you eat!' Maybe I'm just being paranoid ...... I hope so!
and now lets toss in some color to all that black and white.
FAO says Food Production must Rise by 70%
@mics_54 said:
and now lets toss in some color to all that black and white.
FAO says Food Production must Rise by 70%
...and how you think a multinational corporation is the solution to this problem is beyond me
is it not possible, in your eyes, that they are causing and/or perpetuating the problem?
@unknownuser said:
(*language -(but what do you expect.. it's george carlin))
Watched it! What language? ..... didn't notice any! ..... then again George is Irish
George has got it right! The wool may be gradually slipping over the eyes of the general population but thankfully there are a few that notice whats happening and moan about it!
Not being able to control the Net must really be pissing off Big Business! They have tried it on several occasions but have been twarted each time. Maybe they figure that they stand a better chance by getting to the 'thinkers' via GMOs, said I while sizing up a strange looking spud!
@unknownuser said:
...and how you think a multinational corporation is the solution to this problem is beyond me
What's beyond me is how you seem to think introducing a/the problem into the discussion is a proposal of a solution.
@mics_54 said:
@unknownuser said:
...and how you think a multinational corporation is the solution to this problem is beyond me
What's beyond me is how you seem to think introducing a/the problem into the discussion is a proposal of a solution.
I'm not quite following you. generally, if I'm trying to solve something, it helps to know what the problem is..
rephrase? -
The link I posted that you quoted me posting states
@unknownuser said:FAO says Food Production must Rise by 70%
This is due to projected population increases creating food shortages.ok..just for fun...I appoint you to solve this problem with no magic wand or external supernatural forces or alien technology. You are the decider...king for a day! will you keep most of the third world from starving to death... GO!
@mics_54 said:
ok..just for fun...I appoint you to solve this problem with no magic wand or external supernatural forces or alien technology. You are the decider...king for a day! will you keep most of the third world from starving to death... GO!
cancel all military contracts and put that towards food and education?
i dunno, there's lots of ways to feed the world.. we (as in all humans) are not experiencing famine. we have plenty of food for everybody, even today, and we could easily make more if need be.. but we don't because scarcity creates poweranyway, i'm coming more from the side that there's not a damn thing anyone could do today to solve this (and other) problem.. i'm on the long term plan.. the 500+ year plan. the revolution must occur in our minds, not on the battlefield..
and hey, i really don't think any of us on the planet will see a society which is noticeably improved upon what we're already seeing.. something like this could take hundreds if not thousands of years to bring to realization.. so the question becomes 'is it worth it to you'.. is it worth it to make efforts towards something that you will more likely than not, never see results from.. and that your tiny tiny tiny contribution towards improving individual's lives are for people that are centuries away from even being born yet?
but one thing i really do believe is that the super powerful, the 1%, would have much better lives than they have today if they could get on this plan and realize that we are all in this thing together.. we're not thrown in this mess and left to fend for ourselves individually.. so why create a system that caters to the individual? fear?
OK then! The FAO is lying and there wont be a food shortage!
@mics_54 said:
OK then! The FAO is lying and there wont be a food shortage!
You said it: he didn't.
However, they are probably correct... 'but only if we do nothing about fixing things'.
There are many ways to fix problems.
GM crops is perhaps one way.
But so is distributing resources more equitably...
So is helping, educating or 'feeding' disadvantaged people...
So is not spending disproportionate sums on killing or oppressing people - just because they have a different idea about how the world should be set up...Once you disassemble a swiss-watch it's difficult to get its bits back together and working again like it was... if GM does mess up I think we all agree it would be 'bad' - look at the legacies of Smoking, DDT, HFCs/CFCs, Leaded-petrol, indiscriminate-antibiotic-use[resistant-bugs] etc - and GM could be worse... So what safeguards do we have - or rather should we insist on ?
"If your only tool is a hammer everything starts to look like a nail..."
Let's get some more tools...
'Don't put all your eggs in one basket', is an old adage.So IMHO we need a mix of ideas, several of which might offer solutions... and each of which must have know downsides, as well as upsides...
@mics_54 said:
OK then! The FAO is lying and there wont be a food shortage!
huh? there already is a food shortage
over a billion people are starving as we're sitting here typing.but the food shortage, at least as i see it, is entirely manmade.. it's not as if we're going through some sort of worldwide drought or anything like that..
we, as a species, definitely have the means to feed the entire world ten times over.. but we don't. why? -
@unknownuser said:
but the food shortage, at least as i see it, is entirely manmade..
You are saying that "somebody" is creating food shortages on purpose??? Who?
@unknownuser said:
we, as a species, definitely have the means to feed the entire world ten times over.. but we don't. why?
exactly what is this "means" that would feed 70 billion people (7 billion x 10) and I am interested in your answer as to "why we don't"
@mics_54 said:
You are saying that "somebody" is creating food shortages on purpose??? Who?
as in give you names?
i don't know.. i've never sat in on the board meeting of a multinational corporation and i'm assuming no one here has either.. i don't know who, you don't know who, neither does anyone else..
that's the beauty of it (well, it's a beautiful thing depending on where you sit and what your perspective is.. for me, it's far from beauty)@unknownuser said:
exactly what is this "means" that would feed 70 billion people (7 billion x 10) and I am interested in your answer as to "why we don't"
because we, as a whole, only care about ourselves as individuals.. that's why
but come on.. this stuff is being openly displayed every day & everywhere you look.. these are questions you can answer for yourself -
@unknownuser said:
The cables show that diplomats often specifically targeted scientists and academics to accept the biotech industry's uncritical approach to GM foods, and would simply repeat company's claims that GE crops increase productivity, combat global hunger and strengthen economic development opportunities - and all with a lighter environmental footprint.
@unknownuser said:
Partly because consumer opinion is against GM in Europe, the EU has remained largely resistant to US pressure so far, especially when it comes to its labelling system for GM products. But Moldenhauer warned that this could change soon, when new transatlantic trade agreements begin negotiations in June. "The so-called 'mutual recognition agreements' could mean that Europe would have to accept the US authorizations of its products," she said. "Then GM crops could be forced into the European market."
@escapeartist said:
@unknownuser said:
Partly because consumer opinion is against GM in Europe, the EU has remained largely resistant to US pressure so far, especially when it comes to its labelling system for GM products. But Moldenhauer warned that this could change soon, when new transatlantic trade agreements begin negotiations in June. "The so-called 'mutual recognition agreements' could mean that Europe would have to accept the US authorizations of its products," she said. "Then GM crops could be forced into the European market."
Possibly accept, yes! Use?, not a requirement
Thats when the battle will start
I think cross contamination will be the issue and as I have said I can see no way around this. Heritage seed growers will have the right not to have their crops / seed contaminated by GM stock ...... and I use the work 'stock' in its widest sense
Scared Of Genetically Modified Food? It Might Be The Only Way To Feed The World -
Maybe someone can answer this question that has always been nagging at me.
If crops, genetically modified or not are capable of greater yields, does that mean that they would require more from the soils that they grow in?
If so, and we don't look at organic methods of supplementing the soil, does this mean more chemical fertilizers?
What is the fallout to this?