My bike
another bikes:,,
Awesome work with the textures
I'll start working on my next car when Easter holidays begin. It'll be a german car I can assure you.
@omikron said:
Awesome work with the textures
I'll start working on my next car when Easter holidays begin. It'll be a german car I can assure you.
thanks omikron,, i cannot wait the car,,,
@okomta said:
Looking good, nice rendering
A couple observations/questions --
In the first pic the front tire looks very segmented. Near as I can tell you went with the default 24 segments. I would recommend a minimum of 36 segments, especially on a model like this where the tires are such a prominent feature.
In the second pic, the rear tire looks nice and smooth but the fender suffers the same segmenting problem as the front tire. Also, where the treads should be it somehow looks shiny, almost metallic. Is this intentional? Maybe I'm misinterpreting the model, but it sure doesn't look like it would have much traction.
Just some observations.
yes,, indeed i agree with you,, i was too lazy,redraw my model,,:D
but another model , i try to concern about the detail. My friends told me the same as your comment..hehe,,thanks for the "eagle eyes" of yours,,thanks alot.. -
next bike:
Sweet ride okomta...
I think you really like bikes
Nice work
@hellnbak said:
I think you really like bikes
Nice work
oh thanks hellnbak,,not realy,,you can see this:
yeah not perfect but i'm still learn alot,,
here my process about the bike,,i hope you like it
still not satisfied,,but better next time,,:D -
i try design a vw's motorcycle,,sound strange, isn't it?
but these guys like my bike,,
Looks good!
Nice work!
@bryan k said:
Looks good!
thanks Bryan K,,
@coremaster110 said:
Nice work!
thanks to you ,CoreMaster110
@unknownuser said:
I'm a huge bike fan and I'm impressed by the work you guys are doing. I'm just curious what time these models take to make.
thanks valaki4 for comment and question,
i did this for hobby, sometimes i did about 3-4 hours or more,, it depend with my mood ,,and details in the bikes,,for simple bike like vespa or matic bike ,,i just need 2 hours because it was not too have any detail in the's fun man,,why don't you try it for fun,,?