Multiple solid subtractions help?
My first post other then my introduction. (not sure if this is the right place to post?)
I have one large solid group( Wall) and have around 1000 holes (bricks) in a pattern to punch in to or subtract from the wall. I made groups of the pattern which contained individual solid grouped (brick) hoping to subtract a pattern at a time. This does not work so I am now subtracting one solid(brick) at a time? Is there a work around this or have I approached this the wrong way any hints or suggestion on what I call multiple solid subtraction?
If the bricks inside the group are themselves component-instances or groups then the container-group will never be seen as a solid.
Therefore solid operations using it will not work.
A 'solid' is a component or group that contains nothing except edges and faces, and every edge must have two faces - no fewer and no more - so no faceless edges [0 faces/edge], no flaps/holes [1 face/edge] and of course no internal partitions [3 or more faces/edge] or boxes with shared edges [4 faces/edge].
An except to raw geometry is 'guide'-lines/points which can be inside a group without compromising its 'solidity'...
So if you explode the bricks inside the container-group it ought to become a solid - provided that none of the resultant raw geometry joins in ways that break the rules set out above...
A solid-group of several discrete brick-boxes should subtract from a solid-group that's a single wall-box... -
The OP sounds like a lot of work. What are you trying to show? There are other options such as using image files for patterns, sticking a thin component to the wall to give the impression of 3D or using a component with hole cutting. For the latter as long as you maintain the lines for cutting the hole you can include as many sub components or groups you like in the component definition to fill or surround the hole.
Hi Circus, hi folks.
Sometimes it pays to think 2D before 3D.
Click in sequence on the scenes tabs of this SU file for ideas:
Hi Guys,
I got there in the end. I worked a way around and learnt a little on the way.
I would just like to say thank-you to all who responded, and thanks for the little scene animations! I can see I could be learning a lot by being involved on this forum!Cheers,