Component not rendered
What Rich said.
Faces have a front and a back. If you go to Monochrome face style you'll be able to see if the faces are reversed. The default back face color is a blue gray while the front is white. If the faces are reversed, select them, right click and choose reverse faces. Note that you may need to reapply materials (there's a plugin from TIG that can help with that) after you've corrected the faces.
While you're at it, look for reversed faces in the rest of your model just in case.
As to models from the 3D Warehouse, you need to get in the habit of checking them for problems before using them. There is a lot of less than good models available for download there.
Actually that's cool! And explains why vampires cannot be seen in the mirror
What renderer do you use? I use Keyshot and it sometimes has problems rendering groups & components correctly, which is why I Bomb all groups & components before rendering. It can greatly increase your model size, but its the only way I've found so far...
If I had to explode all the components in my models before rendering, I would use a different rendering application.
@dave r said:
If I had to explode all the components in my models before rendering, I would use a different rendering application.
I know. But I'm used to Keyshot and at the moment I just don't feel like learning to use another. Plus, my models usually don't contain too many components
Whatever works for you.
Thank you so much Rich O Brien but I'm not so smart like you to understand just by reading a manual... and if every problem is solved in a manual what's the reason because forums exist?
Thank you Dave R... using the word "reverse" i understood the meaning... english is not my language and the translator gave to me a strange meaning for "backwards".
So, i tried to reverse the faces but it fails. then i tried to explode the components and made again a group and it was ok. And as i read is the same thing uses to do bunnyackThanks, this problem is gone!
Could you post a link to the table and chairs you downloaded from the 3D warehouse? I'd like to see them and see why it is they didn't render until you exploded and regrouped.
Of course!
The link is in italian, but the component name in english, probably i was searching in english that dayis the first, square bar table. I'm now noting it is for SU 6, maybe the problem is I'm using the 8 version?
Excuse me for my english, but i usually quickly, and talk and write english rarely...and without translator.
No worries about the link or language.
Although that model didn't have the suspected reversed faces, it has a bunch of other problems. Unfortunately it is typical of much of the low grade stuff found on the 3D Warehouse.
Well you got your problem solved anyway.
Well, as was noted, exploding gropups/components is not always the best working method. What I am suspecting is that the renderer you use cannot render materials applied on groups (or components - but in this model, there are groups, quite wrongly actually). Exploding the groups will apply the materials used on the groups to the geometry itself so it seems to fix the problem.
But there is a better way to fix things. This plugin will remove materials applied to groups and will apply them directly to the geometry inside those groups:
And I think (not sure as never used) it could also help bunnyack with his Keyshot issues, too.
Thanks for putting that in there, Gai. I was between tasks and should have taken more time to flesh out my post. Yes, I expect it was the poor application of materials to the model that caused the issue. From the description, probably Bunnyack's, too. It sounds like he's following the same poor practice.
Well, I still do not know what renderer OP uses but if it is V-ray, reading Jackson's reply in the plugin topic, it seems it's a common and well-known issue with group materials:
Subject: [Plugin] Remove group materials, leave geometry material
@jackson said:
Wow Matthieu, I am almost lost for words! I never expected a response and certainly not a fully functioning script within 24 hours of posting! I just ran the script on a fairly complex skp file (amazed how fast it worked), purged the file and then hit VfSU's render button and it parsed in under 10 seconds compared to 20 minutes! This is going to be a HUGE help as I have to convert dozens of my skp/VfSU files to work properly with VfSU's new way of handling materials and I was frankly dreading the many days of work I would need to sit, searching through groups trying to delete the group materials. Do you mind if I post a link to this topic over at the VfSU forums as this ruby script will be an extremely useful tool for a lot of VfSU users?
Many many thanks,
@dave r said:
No worries about the link or language.
Although that model didn't have the suspected reversed faces, it has a bunch of other problems. Unfortunately it is typical of much of the low grade stuff found on the 3D Warehouse.
Well you got your problem solved anyway.
I found a page on this forum with a lot of links for components, have you got a single link for a good warehouse?
You can look at Form Fonts. Their models are checked for quality. You have to pay for this service, though. the models are not free.
The big source for components really is the 3D Warehouse. The problem with it is anyone can post components there so you get people with all sorts of skill levels posting what often turns out to be unusable without a lot of work. There are also some models--many kitchen appliances fall into this category--which contain way more info than most people need and with surfaces triangulated which SketchUp doesn't need. I've downloaded microwave oven models that even have the magnetron included.
I generally find it much easier, faster and get better results to make my own components.
The magnetron? ahah great, and a plate of pasta inside it not?
Ya, probably as you say is better to create components by myself.