WIP: House
I am working on this house model, trying to get it looking photo-real. I am in the process of adding textures but came up with a question. Do you guys think I should model the siding or simply use a texture. I modeled the siding on the face of the garage (farthest right) and used a texture on the rest of the house. To me it does not look much different, but was looking to see what others thought. Obviously this is just a raw render without any "post-op" work, but any addvice or comments to help me make the rendering look better would be appriciated. Thanks!
Texture looks better at this point, but you won't be able to tell until you run a better rendering with higher AA and resolution. With this siding I don't think most people would model it, but now that you have, you might as well see how good you can make it look. I was actually considering doing the same yesterday on some 19th century siding that has much larger scale. I might see what it looks like.
Also putting a bump on the texture might be revealing.
Alright, well I decided to just go with the siding texture with bump becuase I felt it looked better. It probably could have use some more bump, but I can fix this in photoshop. When I modeled it, it seemed to have too many lines. I have posted an updated render and will post the final after some post-production.
hi! you can also use normal bump or displacement, but of course it depends if it is compatible with your rendering software... your background plate is looking strange to me, will you change it for a higher resolution in post???
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Coming along nicely!
That turned out great. Good job.
Yeah... plants. There is quite a shortage of free ones, but there IS a huge inventory of pay for models.
hi, nice final result!
you can find some free-cut-out trees here:
under: textures / nature / treesbest
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I rendered this model last night. I thought it turn out alright except for the the roof, which definitely appears to be tiling. Im a little confused because I used the same texture from my previous house (which didnt appear to tile). I guess I will have to start searching for a better texture. Anyone have any advice, or dimensional shingle textures? Thanks!
yeah just need a higher res non-repeating texture. you will find one eventually, there are a few around. I would say your renders are underexposed. Sun just doesn't seem bright enough, this will improve them immediately
4th image you posted for example, grass reflects a sunny day whereas the house looks underexposed. Simple post pro or tonemapping in render engine would help.