Becoming Extremely Frustrated!!!!!
Tapa..what??!! Thanks for your reply Rich. I'm using a laptop and I've tried ALL of the above. I've checked admin settings; I've uninstalled Maxwell Render; I've uninstalled Vray and re-installed...I just do not understand why Sketchup refuses to open when Vray has been downloaded. Even LayOut works!! I'm throwing in the towel. Vray is obviously trying to tell me something!! Grrrrrrr!!!!
if you've got V8 SU version, verify when you install VRayforSU that you install it in the V8 plugin folder. By default, VRayforSU installer will search the V7 plugin folder.
Maybe the issue... -
I had exactly the same issue, every time I opened sketchup it would crash almost instantly, worked fine without Vray though. Only way to find what the conflict was to take all of my plugins from the plugins folder and move them to somewhre else no my computer. Then move them back a block at a time,each time checking to see if it worked.
found the offensding tool, one that i no longer used or needed, deleted it, and havent had any problems since.
not ideal i know, but it did work
I have both VRay and Maxwell plus 100 plugins installed and have never had this issue. I would suggest uninstalling VRay from the Control Panel in Windows. Then reinstall. Is this a demo version of 1.49.01 downloaded from Chaos Group?
I suppose you could have as many plugins as you want installed, but it only takes one cuase a problem.
Mine was with ies VE incase you happen to have that installed.
Joe/Valero Studio,
Thanks for your replies. Joe, I followed your advice and cleared out my Plugins folder. I still have the 'dome' plugin showing in the Plugins tab in Sketchup - I'm assuming this is a Ruby script and is held in a different location? Either way, I can now access Sketchup but its displaying an error message re: Vray. I've checked the Plugins tab in Sketchup and Vray isn't being displayed. Once I click 'ok' on this error message access to Sketchup is still available. I've attached a JPEG of the error message. Any ideas??!
Keith sent you an email requesting a remote session so he can fix this for you. That's an odd error to get with no plugins installed and just doing a typical install on windows.
Yes, you are indeed correct Devin, Keith has contacted me. I've also emailed Keith this evening to arrange the remote session and also updated him re: the above error message. Wow, you guys fairly get around!! Better watch what I say in the future, eh?!
I only hop on to forums while waiting for something to load/finish. (was waiting for 100 or so objects to move in RT... looks like I need to optimize things a bit more...) No worries, we'll get ya up and running. Setup is usually pretty quick and simple.
Yay!!! I've heard so much about Vray that I just NEED to witness its brilliance for myself
I would never have thought that you guys would offically join these forums but it makes sense
I like to hear what's wrong with the product first hand if I can, and this community is a pretty good place to go to hear about issues. Of course I always prefer actual bug reports with detailed information, screen shots, scene files, error logs, etc
But some people prefer forums over bug reports ::shrugs::
Well I can see the merits of both Devin! Keith has gotten back to me just now about our 'remote session'. The team at Chaos Group must be cursing the girl from Belfast today!!
Your frustration is understandable, and actually I'm glad to hear you're so eager to use our product that you hopped on here and tried to get some help from the users on here. They are a great resource to any V-Ray for SketchUp user, new or old.
glad we could get you up and running today. Sorry about the weird file permission issue. We'll have that ironed out in the next release.
Devin!! Were you one of the guys helping Keith??! Thanks for all of your help, we got there in the end!! I guess scenarios like mine are good because it gives you an opportunity to make adjustments etc. I'm actually tinkering about with my demo version as I type! It's rendering time is VERY quick!! I'm so used to Maxwell Render's interface that it's probably taking me longer to familiarise myself with it. I think I need to get the 'ol manual out....grrrrrrr!
Both of the developers for our plugin were helping you actually. Both Joe and Myself. The entire issue was caused by us being unable to write our error log out to the folder where we normally put it. So we just changed the path to your user folder and it started working just fine.
As a quick heads up, and to save you any additional frustration, our manual is a tad outdated (it's about 3 versions old). So the manual will give you a good idea of where to get started, but you should also have a look at our youtube channel: