Some new videos of my process
Hi folks:
There are 6 new videos detailing some of my process in case you are interested.
These were prepared by Trimble from a visit to my office last month.
You can find the others from this first link.
I hope they are helpful.
Hi Sonder.
I see those videos 2 days ago. And i like them so much.
I send you a MP
@pbacot said:
Thanks, Sonder. I'll check it out. How's the storms up there?
Very wet! It is finally snowing now after 5" of rain.
Thanks, Sonder. I'll check it out. How're the storms up there?
[Edit: I watched the first one. This is invaluable! You have very impressive live presentation skills too. Well-paced.]
Thanks Sonder. Please keep sharing your metodology. You must consider write a book, it Will be a best seller.
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Bookmarked as a reference for Layout work. Thank you for sharing your experience!
@unknownuser said:
I hope they are helpful.
Nicely presented Nick and clears up our earlier exchange about line work. You have certainly grabbed SU, made it work and provided solid evidence that SU is not just a toy!
I had trouble with the link too. Just pop over to youtube and do a search for "nick sonder architect" they should all be listed.
thanks for sharing your knowledge. amazing videos. I think now I can be really productive with the SU+LO combo.
Great videos on how you do the awesome work you do Sonder. You almost turned a little red there, when the "disable aero" popped up.
Thank you for these, Nick. I learned some excellent tips!
Really well done nick. I can only imagine that Trimble is paying good attention to layout. The future looks bright.
Layouting at the top!
Very nice Nick. 5 thumbs up out of five.
Enjoying the videos, though very envious of your skills!
On Details, did you talk about notation? I didn't get how you worked that for re-use, or do you? Do you type in notes and add leaders each time ( I doubt) or scapbook them?
Since your detail prototype files contain more than one scene / detail, then you look for a type of window (e.g.) not "window head, window sill" etc. That right?
Beautiful work. Thanks for videos!
Great informative videos
I took great pleaseure in showing these to my Revit technicians in the office....the ones always telling me that SU is a cartoon / toy suitable only for concept work, thier views have now changed somewhat
A question I have relates to the various static models you have to generate various views like reflected ceiling plans and interior elevations. In a situation where you have to amend the main working model, how are these amendments managed / carried through the other models?
It is great to hear Trimble are are talking to you Nick, as others have mentioned, hopefully we will see a serious detail design tool allowing all of us to take full advantage of the hardwork that goes into an SU model at concept and PD stage.
Also, I see you use a tablet rather than a mouse, I would be interested to hear what the advantages are of using the tablet.
Keep up the great work Nick
Hi Sonder:
Me too be interested to use a tablet, i have a WACON BambooPen CTL-460, yes, i know is a litle tablet, but never i can use it in SU.
Where do you learn to use your tablet.
Peter raises some good issues about detailing. the question that comes to mind is at what point do these details, as beautiful as they are, cross the line into "means and methods"? Is there a construction "feasibility" process that allows a contractor to, dare I say, come up with improved ways of detailing a structure. Is there a middle ground where the 3D sketch can be suggestive of design intent but stay on "this side" of the design line?
Thanks for all the kind words.
Regarding details, all the notation is done in LO. This still works as a library of sorts as you can simply copy the reference with the notation to another sheet. Since I structure them the way I do, I am generally copying whole sheets to new jobs depending on the construction type. Regarding infringement of means and methods, I have never considered architectural detailing to be an issue. As long as you are following real methods of construction you are fine. I do work with a lot of different contractors, and many of my details have developed based upon their installation techniques along with manufacturers installation manuals. Back in the day, I was also an avid reader of Architectural G&S.
As for the tablet, I use a Wacom Intuous 3. The biggest advantage is no fatigue, and you can orbit/ zoom simultaneously.
All the static models are simply updated, any time I make changes. I've made it just a part of my protocol when opening those files to update the reference.