Render package options?
That's impressive Pete. (of course these are YOUR times
) Is this with the Thea "soon to be released"
plugin? I can't wait.
Did you modify the window material?
@toynlet said:
Hi Guys
Apologise if this is posted in the wrong section but I thought asking people who use different packages and regularly produce high quality photorealistic renders would be the best to ask for a bit of advice!
SteveThere are some sample SketchUp renderings, from various rendering packages, on this site:
Sample Models and Renderings | SketchUp Rendering
Examples of SketchUp rendering from different plugins and tips to get started.
SketchUp Rendering | Rendering (
I think my main observation of them is that all the packages can product good renderings one the user spends a little time learning how t set things up.
Pete, looks good. Bsd?
Not bad, not bad at all. I assume you downsampled the image?
@unknownuser said:
Not bad, not bad at all. I assume you downsampled the image?
I set supersampling on 'normal', I did a quick video of the interactive BSD engine.
Let me upload it to someplace and post in this reply when done.
Here it is, It's in this wide format as I recorded over two monitors (both 27 inches)
So take into account I am rendering at a huge ratio of 1870x850 (my SU ratio)
Cool vid. Thanks for that.
My assumption was you made your image smaller in post, thus compressing the noise. -
Twilight will give great results at very reasonable price. Learning curve can be applied to Thea!
@jpalm32 said:
Twilight will give great results at very reasonable price. Learning curve can be applied to Thea!
Absolutely, Twilight is another great option.
The new Thea4SU is very simple to use by the way.
Thankyou to everyone for their input!
Even more research for me and hopefully an opportunity to use some of these packages.
Steve -
@solo said:
all within SU (not studio) no post processing.
Is there now a thea- SU integrated- version (comparable to twilight) without export like Kerkythea?
Sounds interessting!
This are really good news!
Can't wait to try it...
Here's one from Podium.
another one...You can see by the render info (bottom of image) adding the trees extended its time from 4min to 20 min.
I gave a try using KT, + KT free trees, instancing them around the model.
background fit image + distance blue light ( to simulate blues shadows)
that is all
4 min 37 sec!