Woodland Drive
Mystical. Yeah, its mystical how he gets so good.
As usual... wow!
Top notch once again.
Masterfull post processing Bravo !
Really inspiring work! Great architecture too. Not often do you see natural entourage, but the people look perfectly composited!
Great mood!
2 more from low level,with low evening sun(the best type of lighting I think)
amazing work again, i'm allways wondering wich software u use to create such nice vegetation...
V -
incredible lighting
...one thing though: the wall texture on the third picture leaves a very small piece of the tiling on the left side...moving it a little to the left would look better i think. i guess it would be difficult to build these small parts in reality.
Is it all modelled? I mean cars, plants, grass?
Carloh - maybe it's intentional to suggest the thickness of those blocks?
Awesome!!! I initially thought they were post construction. Hope the finished project looks as good.
@timinder said:
Carloh - maybe it's intentional to suggest the thickness of those blocks?
possibly...didn't think of that
The edge tile on the corner was just a happy coincidence when I applied the material but it works well to indicate the thickness as timinder wrote!
Heres another view,this time from the rear,across a garden pool.
Some small lights added
Lovely composition...!
As we are coming to that time of year,a snow scene version.
wow that snow scene has a fantastic atmosphere
how did you add the snow? is it geometry or some fancy displacement texture?
The snow banks are sketchup.I scaled and stretched an irregular rock and placed it where I thought the snow should go.The snow on the trees was done by changing the colour of the leaves' texture in photoshop and re-applying it in Thea.
You've nailed it...
It looks absolutely spot on...! (looking for standing ovation smileys)