[Plugin] SU2POV 3.5
This may be beyond SU2POV but I'll ask anyway!
White light, piece of (red) coloured glass (50% opacity) yet the shadow that falls on a white card remains neutral - is there any way to get a red shadow or for that matter a colour that mimics the colour of the glass the light is passing through? Or am I missing something?
Alan. -
@unknownuser said:
am I missing something
Yes, but I don't know what exactly. This seems to be pov-ray stuff to get coloured shadows, I guess you should look at "grey_threshold" to emphasize the radiosity effect. My 2 cts.
Regards, -
I may be missing something but maybe not - applied a texture to a surface (tiles in fact) and although I can edit the texture in SU especially the scale and obviously SU shows this, when rendered the pattern remains unaffected by whatever scale I set in SU. Is there a way around this, so that the view in SU comes out exactly the same when rendered?
Created a sphere in SU - gave it a colour (or texture makes no difference) but right click over it and I am not offerred "edit pov finish" option - why is that? I'm sure I've just missed something. Yes its been saved and renders with POV succesfully, but I'm just not able to set any of the preset finishes or surface effects. Can do it with a cube so whats wrong?
I think there are some bugs with curved/round surfaces still remaining
Will check that when time permits,
Regards -
Ok thanks for that - sometimes it seems to work but so far I have not been able to pin down the exact circustances - when and if I do I'll let you know in case it helps you.
Another point - I applied a texture to a surface (tiles texture in fact) and although I can edit the texture in SU especially the scale and obviously SU shows this, when rendered, the pattern remains unaffected by whatever scale I set in SU. Is there a way around this, so that the view in SU comes out exactly the same when rendered? I can search out the definition in the pov file and obviously edit the scale element, but this is tedious and has to be repeated for every new render.
I have downloaded sketchup 8, and downloaded SU2POV, and dropped the Su2pov35 folder intact with all its subfolders inside into the plugins folder according to instructions. In the sketchup 8 menu bar I don't see the plugins drop menu just to the left of the help drop menu as is shown in the tutorial's picture. Is that only on sketchup 7 or does it work on 8 as well? If this only works with 7, where would I find a copy of that version?
I hate to appear so dumb, but I can't figure this out. I feel like I am really missing something very obvious here.
OK, I figured it out! You have to COPY (or cut) OUT of the Su2pov35 folder everything in it and then paste that into the plugin folder exactly as it was in the Su2pov35 folder.
NOT just drop the entire Su2pov folder into the plugin folder, ONLY the contents.
I bet it must be quite tedious to hear that question a lot.
I am having a problem with SU2Pov 3.5 plugin (using SU 8 pro with XP). It is loaded and all works except none of the windows from the tool bar close when I click OK or Cancel, therefore not generating any commands. To close the window I have to click the X in the upper right hand corner. After doing that a light will be placed in the scene for example, but is not active in the ".pov" file. Also, the scene is sent to POV when the Render button is clicked. The scene does render but is without lights or any other features, only renders the default SU settings. Any ideas? Could it be my computer?
Many thanks for your plugin and any suggestions you may have.
I am also having a problem with with this plugin I have windows XP SketchUp Pro 8 I was using su2pov 3.4 and it was working fine but when I uninstalled the the old one and installed the new 3.5 update Aug.31 edition(the latest).
I get this message:
Error loading file su2pov35 toolbar.rb
private method "split" called for nil:NilclassAny answer for this, please?
artfreak -
Hi artfreak,
Weird. Mine works like a charm. Please open the ruby console, run su2pov and copy-paste the entire error message please (so I can see at what line the "split" crashes. Thanks. -
Here is the results from the Ruby Console.
Run su2pov
Error: #<NameError: undefined local variable or methodsu2pov' for #<Object:0x5d0f9e4>> (eval):155 Run su2pov35Toolbar.rb Error: #<NameError: undefined local variable or method
su2pov35Toolbar' for #Object:0x5d0f9e4>
(eval):155 -
By "run su2pov" I was meaning "click on the render icon".
Sorry it was not clear, please try again. Thank you. -
Do I understand the 3.6 does not work for on Mac and since there is no Beta version 3.7 its no go so far?
I get this message:"You can’t open the application “POV-Ray Mac 3.6” because PowerPC applications are no longer supported."
Thanks with hope there is a light.
Bonjour, j'ai une erreur quand je lance sketchup avec pov²ray35 ça me met une erreur su2pov35Toolbar.rb avec undefined local variable or method 'ocr_env' for main:object
merci de m'indiquer la solution pour y remedier et bonne continuation. -
Il y a 2 possibilités:- soit le fichier "povray_reserved.txt" n'est pas là ou pas au bon endroit (dans Plugins/su2pov)
- soit le fichier "su2pov35.rbs" n'est pas là ou pas au bon endroit (dans Plugins)
Tiens moi au courant
@didier bur said:
Il y a 2 possibilités:- soit le fichier "povray_reserved.txt" n'est pas là ou pas au bon endroit (dans Plugins/su2pov)
- soit le fichier "su2pov35.rbs" n'est pas là ou pas au bon endroit (dans Plugins)
Tiens moi au courant
Bonjour, merci de votre aide
voila j'ai mis les fichiers au bon endroits mais une erreur surviensfrom message 000_AdditionalPluginFolders
Erreur : undefined local variable or method 'ocr_env' for main:Object
ok j'ai enlever tout les plugins puis reinstaller supov35 et ça fonctionne a part que ça me met une erreurpovray errors occurred when renaming your textures files probably because
No such files or directory c:/user/.../.../povray
/.........texture.jpg -
Thank you Didier Bur. for SU2POV 7.
Je ne sais si un autre renderer OS ou gratuit pour SU existe, mais pour ceux qui ont POV 3.7, il faut changer un peu povray.ini et rajouter :
version = 3.6
ça permet, par exemple, de retrouver la couche alpha (transparent). Il faudrait un MAJ de su2pov pour intégrer la version ça va devenir obligatoire dans le futur de POV. -
il y faut enlever la ligne interpolate dans les .pov pour que le rendu se fasse :
texture {
uv_mapping pigment {
image_map {
jpeg "drifting_planes.jpg"
map_type 0
interpolate 0