A Welcome Message to New SketchUcation Members
Im a designer illustrator flash programmer who wants to expand his limited horizon.
So I started with sketch up as it seemed to fit the best with my previous skills.
One can find some results of those at http://www.dbag.nl/portfolio/ all 2D.
Well thanks for the forum its a big help.Cheers,
A warm welcome to all.
Niels: Are you saying you used SU in creating some of those images on your site?
In any case, incredible work! You have a beautiful style.
@pbacot said:
A warm welcome to all.
Niels: Are you saying you used SU in creating some of those images on your site?
In any case, incredible work! You have a beautiful style.
pbacot: No Su involved, but it will be in the near future all of this is pure drawing by hand rendered in Photoshop using a wacom board.
Thanks for the compliment tho -
Hi I am new...
Ilserver -
Hi Everyone. This is SnowTiger ... although I have had to re-register because this site no longer recognizes that Username for some unknown reason(unfortunately). I had a heck of a time registering because I kept getting a message saying my user name or email were already registered. Ya... I know.. but the Login wouldn't let me in OR wasn't recognized to resend username/password info. SO, I am now seen as "3D Modeler".
I love this site because it has a ton of excellent information and resources. The most important resource is the many skilled and talented SketchUp users that frequent this site.
Anyway, I'm glad to be back, regardless who I'm listed as. However, I'd gladly delete this registration if my original registration could be figured out !! -
To 3dmodeler: Welcome again. Perhaps Gaieus will see your post, or you could PM him to explain the problem. I believe that he has a way to sort this out. Best wishes.
Hi all, just arrived - often had questions about what I'm doing on Sketchup, usually more pleased I figured it out for myself, probably still a bit of a noob though.
My 3Dwarehouse is on http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/search?viewer=0811107008547013804819482&scoring=m
Hoping to get projects off the ground using Sketchup - would like to move up in the world and upgrade my product, it's made a massive difference to the way I think and plan, possibly the easiest program I have ever used - yup, like, even compared to Notepad.exe! [pro rata you understand of course - what Sketchup dishes up for just the basic level of comprehending it is almost incomparable].
@3d modeler said:
[size=100]Hi Everyone. This is SnowTiger ... although I have had to re-register because this site no longer recognizes that Username for some unknown reason(unfortunately).
@mitcorb said:
To 3dmodeler: Welcome again. Perhaps Gaieus will see your post, or you could PM him to explain the problem. I believe that he has a way to sort this out. Best wishes.
Hi Chris, indeed, please, send me an email (you even know my email address). The system should recognize you unless you completely forgot your password which I can manually reset.
(Unfortunately I have fallen behind with answering all the help emails I get daily due to lack of time in 3D BaseCamp)
QUOTE: "(Unfortunately I have fallen behind with answering all the help emails I get daily due to lack of time in 3D BaseCamp)
Entirely due to jet lag and altitude sickness no doubt.
Well, have managed to catch up and already wrote to Chris, too...
I am bran new to this webpage. For a little background, I use Sketchup to render furniture and cabinets I am designing. I am a hobbyist so there are long stretches between projects allowing my poor memory to force me to relearn sketchup every time I use it!
Anyway, my current project is to render table legs for a dining room table that so far only exist as an image in my head. These legs will require a bezier spline to render in Sketchup and I cannot figure out how to download Fredo6 Bezier spline plugin.
Could you give me some guidance?
Where are you having problems? It won't download? go to http://sketchucation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=13563 and download the zip file below the "Download" heading. Click on the name of the zip file and download as you would any file in windows. Unzip the file if necessary and there should be a folder with three items. Put the three items in your plugin folder. -
hello, i'm aditya a new member of this page, i'm using sketchup for interior design. Basically i'm a student from interior design, using sketchup since 2 years ago and i still a beginner..
Hello I'm Mark,
I'd like to think I've reached the advanced levels of SU8 Pro. But I keep learning more every time I play with the plugins.
I am beginning to learn ruby as it relates to Sketchup and need lots of coaching. I hope that this is the correct place to maximize my understanding of SU and grow my abilities as a ruby developer.
Am I in the right place?
@mantisgrip said:
Hello I'm Mark,
I'd like to think I've reached the advanced levels of SU8 Pro. But I keep learning more every time I play with the plugins.
I am beginning to learn ruby as it relates to Sketchup and need lots of coaching. I hope that this is the correct place to maximize my understanding of SU and grow my abilities as a ruby developer.
Am I in the right place?
Posting concise Ruby relevant questions, but in the SCF Developers' Forum, will get you the best attention... -
@mantisgrip said:
Am I in the right place?
Welcome, Mark. as an admin, I cannot say "yes, this is the right place" but I doubt your could find any better at least.
Hey everyone I am new to this forum..I have just began exploring sketchup for my projects at architecture school..I came across sketchucation when i youtubed how to make a curved sloped road/ ramp. I have downloaded the shapebender plugin but i am finding it difficult to use. I made a group of object to be bent, a line along the red axis and the curve of the road. The line and the curve did get selected..However nothing seems to happen after the curve is selected..Am I doing something wrong? Could someone guide me? I have to actually make the road on a contoured site (carve the road). So i thought i could make the road by shapebender n then use intersect model to carve it in the contours. Is there any other way of doing it?
Hi all!
I´m a design student and just joined the forum!
I just started an internship and never before used SU haha
So I´m learning slowly but faster than I expected (at least i hope so haha)Therefore, I already got a lot of doubts about some stuff HAHA
My goal is to elaborate an library of components, but I need to edit them more freely, for example, if I make a box composed of 4 separated pieces, i wanted to edit the measures as the software Armarius... not scaling, but like opening an box to change the lateral measures, only the thickness and such.
I´ve tried searching for an plugin that does that, but haven´t been sucessfull yet... anyone knows if there is such plugin that does something similar to that? (don´t know if I was clear enough... maybe even I don´t know what I want exactly HAHA)Thanks
Welcome to the Sketchucation forums! You might take your plugin idea to the "Plugins" Subforum (under the "Resources" Forum). You probably have to restate it (maybe pictures would help) unless someone knows about the other software and that specific feature. People usually post ideas like that as "[REQ]", for "request"--- then someone directs them to a plugin or someone might even create a plugin, if they like your idea Good luck.
Is this for "parametric" manipulation, or do you just want to stretch an object without changing edge dimensions (like making a window wider without widening the frame)?
Hi, I have been playing with SU since I was 15 years old, now I use it for product design along with CAD and meshLab