A brand new home for SketchUcation
Still getting used to the new layout, but the thing that is really bugging me is the banners and menu items at the "top" of the page actually fill over 2/3rds of my screen. Any chance they can be consolidated; I don't remember the old forum wasting that much real estate.
Been away for the weekend with the family so I've missed this til now...!! really well done guys..!!
Way sweet.
@cotty said:
@broomstick said:
Also, where can I inquire how to sell some of my models?
No hints for this?
You will find your answer to this here, view topic http://sketchucation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=179&t=46087&start=60
I'm happy with the new look, but pages seem to load pretty slowly.
Also I'm seeing 'All our ads are sketchup related, you are missing relevant content'
Are these 'popups' or something else? I have popups blocked generally.
Baz -
Are you using some AdBlock, Baz?
These are no popups. We also hate popups. These are just the placeholders for the ads you are probably blocking.
Slowness is a serious issue however. Most of the time, the pages load nicely and fast for me but occasionally, they indeed load slowly. While on the old forums, once two "gues" users (from two IP's of the same block) made so many parallel queries (i.e. scraping the site brutally) that the whole server went down. Well, we banned those IP's but this can happen any time.
Seems there was a little problem with copy direct link of images
between French part to English part : "link broken"So I upload again images on the English part
Pilou, the French forum (and every other subforums down there actually) is "permission based" (you need to sign up to the usergroup). No wonder an attachment there cannot be seen outside that particular forum.
Maybe we should abandon this permission system - but then all foreign language post will appear in every other member's "new posts" list (this is why we keep them permission based). I will look into some other solutions.
Thanks Gaieus, will check my settings.
Baz -
Don't misunderstand me, Baz, I am not ranting with you for using AdBlock (I myself use it most of the times, too).
@unknownuser said:
No wonder an attachment there cannot be seen outside that particular forum.
yes but the curious thing is that i was abble to see it when I had made the past one adress to the another one!
So maybe some numerous another copy / past are orfan!
I will see se if the word "broken" works in the internal seach engine
(works but hoppefully seems there are not ofan links images in my other postsMaybe this is arriving during the migration ? What was the date ?
Yes, Pilou, you could see it because you are a member of the French UG and your permissions allow you to see the images included from there.
Is there a way to subscribe to new entries in Gallery, Shop, Tutorials,... ?
The rss feed in the footer
@rich o brien said:
The rss feed in the footer
Thank you. I think I have never scrolled down until the end
It worked for the shop and the tutorials, but there is no RSS icon at the gallery? -
No, but we will look into it.
Thanks for pointing it out
True that the Gallery entries are not "articles" - i.e. no RSS feed for them. I guess we should post articles about each gallery entry anyway so there should be also rss entry for them. Needs a bit of poking around but I think it's solvable.