Displacement vray
hey guys i have a problem.... i'm trying to render a 25MB model with vray.. i have skp8 pro and vray version 1.49.01 i have a macbook pro with 8GB ram so here is the problem my scene has grass so im trying to use displacement but when i try to render the buffer comes up and after 2 min sketchup quits unexpectedly but the weird part is that i've render the same scene before with displacement and it seemed to render fine but now it just quits. i dont know what is wrong because when i turn off the displacement it doesn't quit. pliz help me
did you change your point of view? Sometimes the location of your camera makes a big difference. If you have more area of grass in your view, it will increase the processing needed for subdivision. Try decreasing the amount of grass you can see in your view.
Can you add in grass in post-processing instead? -
I think displaced grass is a waste of time and resources. It always looks fake and the amount of resources to displace it, just is not worth it.
If your scene is just bombing out like that, then you are running out of memory. You can try to tweak the paramters under System in the Vray Options and crank up the Dynamic Memory Limit to see if that helps. Also, if you are rendering hi-res, try to render to file using EXR.
Thanks for your responses....yes i've changed the angle of my camera and reduced the amount of grass but still quits :S... my dynamic memory limit is 5000 .. it seems ill have to use photoshop instead