How change protractor axis?
I thought I saw somewhere that you can change the protractor axis by hitting tab or the arrow keys or something. Would anyone have information related to this that they could share?
yeto -
I think you might be thinking of the new plugin free rotate.
FreeRotate is my tool and it's probably not what you want...
You can lock the inference for drawing a line by holding down shift or tapping different arrow keys.
However, the 'Protractor tool' [and the related 'Rotation tool'] has a 'gizmo' and 'locking' that is somewhat different.
The 'gizmo' changes to align with its axis of rotation perpendicular to any face that the cursor is over, you can lock it to that specific orientation by holding down the shift key shift, even when it's then moved over another face with a different orientation.
If the cursor is in 'free space' the [unlocked] gizmo aligns to the nearest 'axis' [it's colored Red/Green/Blue when axial, or Black when not axial] - to change it [unlocked] to another axis orbit to see more sky etc...
You can also lock the 'gizmo' onto any line - you just click on the line to set its origin and still keeping the mouse-button depressed you then drag along the line to set the gizmo's axis of rotation to be the line. -
A similar topic:
Thanks for all the replies. I guess I was wrong. I just thought I saw somewhere where you could toggle through the different planes/axis by repeatedly hitting a certain key.
Thanks for all the help,