Draping convex hull of terrain map verticals
Hi all,
Apologies for any misuse of terminology. I have a contour map created from survey points and I'd like to drape the vertical edges of the convex hull of the map to give it a filled 3-D look.
Is there some trick in making this work?
Chris. -
There are a few 'cloud' tools that take guide-points [or even points in a data-files] and make a 3d mesh surface.
There's also a sdmitch tool to add a 'skirt' around a terrain surface, if that's what you want...Search the Plugins Index - button above...
Chris, As TIG suggested, I think my "Add Terrain Skirt" may do what you want. It can be found at http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?t=40627 or on by blog page. The plugin was originally written to work with Google Earth terrain patches but will also work with Sandbox "From Scratch" terrain patches as well as terrains created from a TIN.
Thanks sdmitch! Once I took at the ruby script I realized I could just name my TIN "Google Earth Terrain" added a new dummy layer "Google Earth Snapshot" and voila it works.
Chris. -
Great, but if you ever get tired of renameing and creating layers, get a copy from my blog. All the Google Earth references have been removed.