Shaderlight v2 is launched
I have just purchesed shaderlight and its a fantastic render engine, its exactly what i have being looking for, yes it does render animations from su animate but im having a problem rendering keyframe animation, let me explain, the animation works great in sketchup with all movements moving smoothly but when i render the animation i get 15 images of the same image for each frame so therefore the animation is not running smoothly, i have not found any tutorials on this feature so im wondering are my doing something wrong, has anyone else have had this issue and fixed it or does this feature not work with shaderlight at all even though shaderlight claims this feature keyframe animation works in shaderlight rendering, just to clear this up i know there are 2 types of keyframe animation, the keyframe animation plugin is the issued problem with shaderlight im having
Hi Damian,
Did you try posting this on ShaderLight's forum? It might get answered quicker there. They've a great support team there that give quick responses.
I've no experience with this software so I'm afraid I can't help. I've used Keyframe Animation with another render application and it worked fine. So I imagine ShaderLight works also.
I'm not sure it works with that plugin mate, I tried it with 'proper animation' and I cannot seem to get it to work, I can get the two scenes to tween in SU but not in Shaderlight animation sequence, I have a thread awaiting a response on their forum and will report back if I get an answer.
im gonna try the demo, I have gotten bored of key shot already and would rather have in house tools for sketchup anyway.
Playing with it today, actually a lot of fun, and stable (I had crash issues with version 1)
I love the replace me feature, works great.
According to the site it animates with Keyframe Animation and SU Animate. Did you give it a go Pete?
I have not tried those as I do not own them, I do have 'proper animation' but that does not seem to work.
Any animation plugin that actually creates the tween fames as a single scene will work with Shaderlight.
You just have to set Shaderlight to render 1fps.KeyFrame definitely works (after you click Create Tweens) and I know SUAnimate used to work, I'm not sure if the Beta does yet though.
Proper Animation won't work (unless theres something I don't know)as it does something fancy behind the scenes which doesn't export to Shaderlight.
I just had another play and it looks like after you convert the animation to tweens Keyframe turns off "Enable scene transitions" and turns the transition to 0, This means Shaderlights exporter doesn't receive any information about scene transitions and so doesn't work.
To make it work simply turn "Enable Scene Transitions" back on and change transition time to 1 second -
Cheers for the feedback, will give it a try, as soon as i get the chance, and will let ye all know, Pete ill try and see if i can use proper animation on the full version also, see what happens
I know its a bit late but Pete your right, proper animation doesnt work with shaderlight
i have been using shader light pro for some time now and think its a brilliant renderer, however i can't seem to get keyframe to work along side it, i want to use artificial lighting and if i can animate spotlights etc.
when i make tweens shader light doesn't recognise this and nothing moves?
can anyone give me a step by step please??
Many thanks In advance