New - and lost with Bug-Screen
Hi everybody,
I was reading a couple of days here and am really impressed by the involvement, activities and work done by many many people...
What initially brought me to this place was trying to find an answer for an issue I face with my Sketchup-Installation - I am still fighting with it without success...
I have recently installed SU8 free, the most recent maintenance release on my machine (Win7 Professional x64, 2 Xeon Quad Core, PTY Quadro 4000, 12GB Memory). As long as I do not put any plugin into the plugin-folder, it runs perfectly. As soon as I install any plugin SU crashes on startup the next time and everytime by then...
The funny thing is
- the crashing keeps going when I have removed any plugins I installed/added or when I replaced the plugin folder with a clean one (i.e. the folder as it was before any plugin installation)
- SU crashes on startup regardless WHICH plugin I have added before so it does not seem to depend on a specfic plugin.
The only thing that helps is a complete uninstall ans reinstall of SU, afterwards it runs without problems - until I again add any plugin...
Any ideas on this phenomen by anybody? I am completely lost with that...
Please excuse my English - I am not a native speaker.
Greetings from Austria
Franziska -
Something of mystery...
Do you full security permissions for the Plugins folder [and any other folders/files in it or in the Sketchup folder] ?
Right-click on icon > Properties > Security.
There should be a few .rb files in the Plugins folder - supplied with the base Sketchup installation - utilities.rb etc...
What plugins are to trying to install ?
If you install just one simple .rb file and restart what error messages do you get ?Have you tried a full uninstall and then a reinstall of Sketchup v8M3 free ?
thanks for your reply. Here are my answers to your questions/suggestions:
I have full rights (I work as administrator account) to all relevant folders.
It does not matter which plugin (beside the ones delivered with the installation) I try... e.g. soap skin and bubble, joint push pull... always the same effect. I can start SU exactly one time after adding any plugin. By the second startup and each try later on I get that bug splat screen, that tells me that there was an error (but with no information what kind of error). It happens right after the user interface has been drawn.I have a couple of times done a full uninstall and reinstall while trying to find a solution. It is the only way to get free of the splash screen after adding a plugin. Removing a plugin or replacing the plugin folder with the original one (that one containing only the plugins that come with the new installation of SU) does not help. Strange.....
Try making another user who is also 'you' and with 'full' admin rights.
Login as that new user...
Now try Sketchup and plugins... any better?
If so then your user account is foobar - move everything over to the new one and forget/delete the other one - rename the new [working] one to a needed...
This is weird...