Make Group - context menu...
Wondering how to add a 'Make Group' option to the right click context menu?
Using SketchUp Pro7.
minstrel -
It should already be there...right under Make Component. AFAIK it's always been there. The only time it doesn't show up is if you haven't selected enough geometry to make a valid selecting a single edge or face (without its edges).
Note however that it does not appear if you click on a single entity though under the Edit menu, it is still available in such a case, too.
@alan fraser said:
The only time it doesn't show up is if you haven't selected enough geometry to make a valid selecting a single edge or face (without its edges).
Well, that nailed it!
Thank you both for the quick solutions!
Hi folks.
The choices to make a group or a component with a single entity are not available in the context menu.
However, they are alwaysavailable in the Edit Menu.
Just ideas.
@jean lemire said:
Hi folks.
The choices to make a group or a component with a single entity are not available in the context menu.
However, they are alwaysavailable in the Edit Menu.
Just ideas.
Therefore, select something and the use Window > Preferences > Shortcuts to make a shortcut key-combo to that very 'edit' command... and then you won't need a context-menu at all
So if G were 'Make Component' then Shift+G could be 'Make Group'...
etc etc...