SketchUp Plugins and Windows 7 64-bit
Hi! I use sketchup 8 pro and some plugins (OpenStudio, SU_2_STL, su2rad_daysim_r03, SKP_2_DXF, gModeler, fIFC2SKUP) for my work.
Since I am going to buy a new laptop I am wondering if using windows 7 64-bit (instead of 32-bit), I would have some problems with the installation and running the applications.
Has anybody tried running these apps with 64-bit Windows 7?
I would appreciate if you let me know your experience! -
No problems. SU runs as a 32bit app under 64bit OS anyway - no there is no change.
The only time a 32bit software would have problems under 64bit OS is if it relies upon drivers - as these must be 64bit.
The only issue with Windows 7 64 bit is the thumbnail support, seems like they forgot about supporting thumbs in the new version, however the work around is downloading the november 2008 DirectX sdk (64 bit XP) which will fix most thumb issues in Win 7 64 bit.
I found this solution when trying to get HDRI's to show in thumbs.
@solo said:
The only issue with Windows 7 64 bit is the thumbnail support, seems like they forgot about supporting thumbs in the new version
It's not Windows, but that shell extensions also, like drivers, need to be 64bit. And SketchUp doesn't provide any 64bit shell extension thumbnailer.
Another question re: SU and Win 7 64bit:
32bit apps can only use 2GB at a time. But if I have multiple instances of SU open, will they all have their own 2GB of RAM allocated?
I'm planning on buying an i7 quad laptop with 8 or 16 GB of RAM, so would be interested to know this before I buy.Found this, but is says that the principal does not apply to older software. And as SU is not always state-of-the-art in terms of resource use, I'ld just like to know for sure..!
@pitrak said:
Another question re: SU and Win 7 64bit:
32bit apps can only use 2GB at a time. But if I have multiple instances of SU open, will they all have their own 2GB of RAM allocated?
I'm planning on buying an i7 quad laptop with 8 or 16 GB of RAM, so would be interested to know this before I buy.Found this, but is says that the principal does not apply to older software. And as SU is not always state-of-the-art in terms of resource use, I'ld just like to know for sure..!
The answer is no. Applications do not use RAM but they use virtual memory and the sum for all applications running can be greater than the RAM. Is is a complex subject see this link for details
project sketch does not seem be running on 64 bit windows. anytime i enter a command sketchup hangs and i have to forcibly close
What is "Project Sketch"?
successor to rpedits
i recently moved to x64 windows and i can't get any of its commands to run
problem was nvidia nview desktop manager