How to switch fast on current layer
How to switch fast on current layer. Please see attachment
When I work in scene, for example 42, I work also on layer 42. In these layer I save only things which appear in scene 42. But when I switch to other scene, layer does not switch, it styles on 0 layer. I would like to have some option- plug in ?? some button- switch on sawed scene work layer.
I think you've got the wrong idea about what layers do in SketchUp. If you are making Layer 42 active when you are working on Scene 42, your model is probably all confused. You should look at this:
I think you should be able to do what you want to do with the proper update settings: make sure your layer settings are updated with your scenes. Shortly thereafter: Lo, it won't work for me, either. Doesn't save the active layer, only visibility perhaps. I'm always having problems with scene manager.
A sample how I use layers with scenes.
Sawed scenes I later put into Layout.Main model are on layer 0.
Scene 1 shows only main object 3D
Scene 4 shows front view and measures which are on layer 4. So on scene 4 we can see only layers 0 and 4.
Scene 5 shows top view and measures which are on layer 5. So on scene 5 we can see layer 0 and layer 5. Layer 4 with front view measures are hidden.What slows down a little is that every time I will switch from layers to layers I will be again and again automatically bu SU switched on layer 0. But if I want to put some extra measure on scene 4, i need to find in a list layer 4 and make it current layer. If I have a long list of layers these is time full. Would be great to have some option to activate with one shortcut click on keyboard for example.
From reading your description, your workflow sounds like it is prone to errors.
The reason Layer 0 becomes active when you switch scenes is because the scene you had made active for the previous scene is now hidden. You can't have a hidden layer as active.
Why don't you try handling layers as described in the help files (to which I linked previously) and leave Layer 0 as active all the time. When you put in dimensions or anything else and you want it to be associated with a different layer, select those dimensions and change the layer association in Entity Info. It really is easier that way.
ok, thanks. Learning, learning
@dave r said:
From reading your description, your workflow sounds like it is prone to errors.
The reason Layer 0 becomes active when you switch scenes is because the scene you had made active for the previous scene is now hidden. You can't have a hidden scene as active.
Why don't you try handling layers as described in the help files (to which I linked previously) and leave Layer 0 as active all the time. When you put in dimensions or anything else and you want it to be associated with a different layer, select those dimensions and change the layer association in Entity Info. It really is easier that way.
@unknownuser said:
The reason Layer 0 becomes active when you switch scenes is because the scene you had made active for the previous scene is now hidden. You can't have a hidden scene as active.
Hidden scene?@unknownuser said:
When you put in dimensions or anything else...change the layer association in Entity Info.
Except raw geometry, of course. Groups, components, text, and dimensions only. -
Cut me some slack. I posted that at 4:05 AM my time. I hadn't even had my first cup of coffee.
You are right of course. All raw geometry is to be created on Layer 0 and remain there.
just clarifying for OP How often does one get a chance ?