Draping on TIN - how to select drape line only?
Hello guys!
I'm trying to drape onto my TIN but my draped line ends up in many segments and can't be selected again, how can I select the lines only? Is there a way to keep the draped line inside a group or another method to keep the line and the TIN separated?Thanks!!
No, there's no way keeping it inside a group (after all, intersecting in the TIN's editing context is what drape is all about).
If you smooth the TIN before draping, you can then select the draped lines with a selection box however (triple click would select all soft, connected edges and faces too).
Hi folks.
Once you have draped the shape on the TIN, double click on the face delimited by the shape, on the TIN. This will select the face and its perimeter.
Then, while holding the SHIFT key to add/subtract to the selection, single click on the face to deselect it. Only the perimeter or outline of the shape will remain selected.
You can then do whatever you want like grouping it or copying it, or whatever.
Just ideas.
thanks to both of you!
it works great
Jean, that's an obvious tip - if there is an enclosed shape draped on the terrain but if it is just a line (as Nick originally posted), selection is obviously more tedious.
Here's a way using ExtrudeEdgesByVectorToObjects...
Tig, your answer are so amazing, specially the once related with your work (plugins).
I've bookmarked all your post regarding with extrude thing, because is so dificult for us normal mind to follow the use of your plugin. They are so versatiles that we don't know how to use it or when (at lest me), but you are doing a good work "tigging" us your plugins. I barely give my answer but I give you my