[REQ] Exotic Push Pull
Select the Faces
Select the Segments
and the result is the Volumes pushpulled!Does this possible ?
Hm I see where you may be going with this. The one that would have the most value is of course the "tower".
oooh bolt heads, rivets....
@unknownuser said:
The one that would have the most value is of course the "tower"
In fact will be very funny in coordination with the new Offset multiples by Sdmitch
You would think that if you created five faces and five edges and selected them that the first edge created would be associated with the first face created but you would be wrong.
The circles were created left to right and the edges from long to short. All were selected in the order that they were created. A Ruby snippit, created in Ruby Web Console, was executed with this results.
Damned :That is some ennoyous indeed
And what about a numeric list / surfaces ?
A selection of surface are ordered following their creation ? -
You could right a tool where the selected faces were highlighted in turn and you picked which edge went with each face...
BUT now we are getting to the point where you draw the edges vertically [or in the direction of the pushpull otherwise] and then simply pushpull each face snapping to the end of each line as desired.
The ordering f selected objects is NOT guaranteed... -
@unknownuser said:
then simply pushpull each face snapping to the end of each line as desired.
Maybe some tiedous in some situations!
Maybe your "eeb vector to object" can help
A cool variante will be not a trim but just a simple pushpull for each face to touch the object ?