Sketchup problems
I am working on a large model and everything went fine until the model went over 10MB. sketchup started to crash and produce bug splats. It also says that the file I'm working is locked by another user, and won't let me save changes to the model.
Can anyone tell me why these things might be happening?Thanks,
AZ770 -
First of all, go to File > Save as... and give it another name. It will allow you to save what you've done so far.
Now it may be happening when you try to edit a model that is on a drive / folder that you cannot write or have rights to write. I can imagine that it was trying to autosave there but could not and kept hanging.
Also use Model Info > Statistics > Purge Unused...
AND ..> Fix Problems...
To keep your model 'trim'... -
What are your computer stats?
I have many models over 40MB, with a couple up near 90MB without issues. Are you using groups and components? As TIG mentioned use purge in components first then materials. Use your view limts also in case you have some odd model or copies of line work/components/groups out in space where you can't see them.
These 8 rules may help
1 (Limits gray-out) Keep startup and console loaded plug-ins to few and small.
2 (Keeps Skp file size small) In model, components or materials get rid of unused model items: (Via) Save and purge.
3 Build your model with components. Have a saved library to work from. Hide thing you don't need to see for speed. Remember rule 2
4 (Watch memory flow:) With Task manager. Watch google memory sizes.
5 (Max File save size) Max save file size is by power of zoom extents, and by zoom in/out decreases the save size?
6 (Polyreduce if you can) Overworking objects gives higher code counts. Keep objects hollow. Delete unused or unneed lines.
7 (Bug splats) Keep register clean. Delete extra ToolbarsUser-Bars and ToolbarsUserCustom-Bars, If you get to 1000 it will splats on you, also it will take away loaded memory space too.
8 (Locks or slows runway Bug splats)HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\SketchUp8.
a (Find) ToolbarsUser-Summary and ToolbarsUserCustom-Summary.
b (via) Right-click_ permission special _ to you _write_on and read_off. others, Resticted and system read only. This (Locks) Toolbars to fix num of ToolbarsUser.Note:
1 (Never loose a documents) Make use of making copies of your document in your brower.
2 (Smart) Open brower's copies to rework on keeps you saving back to original.
save often. Watch file sizeyour working file is locked by another user, and won't let you save changes to the model.
When you open two parllel sketchup one has full control and other is read only.
Just save copy as or close full control file by save copy as,open or exit. -
good stuff, i am trying out "edit in place" by Podium (really cool plugin), but I was getting the error that the file was locked by another user when I tried to open one of my components in "edit in place" I tired the purging unused in model info and that seemed to work! Thanks
Oops spoke to soon. Having the same issue again.. the problem is that I am trying to use the edit in place function... so if i open it in read only and re save it as another name it wont automatically update in my main model : / anyone have this issue?
Have you tried simply disregarding this warning? The file is actually not used by another user but is temporarily saved in your Temp folder which gives this false positive.
A "more traditional" method would be to right click on a component and "Save as..." then open this file, make the modifications, save it again then go back to your "master model", right click again and now "Reload".
In fact, that plugin will probably do the same only in a more convenient and automated way (but saving it into a temporary file).
@az770 said:
I am working on a large model and everything went fine until the model went over 10MB. sketchup started to crash and produce bug splats. It also says that the file I'm working is locked by another user, and won't let me save changes to the model.
Can anyone tell me why these things might be happening?Thanks,
AZ770Oh god, don't remind me... I once had a 130 MB model, imagine how that was...
What Sketchup version do you use?