LumenRT 2 Released
Looks really interesting and I can see this coming in handy for clients who want to explore models themselves (In fact I'm going to give it a go later today). It's just a pity that there's still no artificial lighting.
hmm... we where talking about real time solutions that packaged into standalone executable that didn't require installation. Sounds interesting.
managed to get 0.3 fps. and it complained that it wants 512MB video memory. so try it only on your best machine
Livecubes are great, but for me hardly any clients would be able to run it nicely
However great for in-house virtual product showrooms...
The quality looks really good
-- but the cinematography of the video made me seasick.
Jason. -
Hmm, that was the issue when I tried it first 18 months ago, I hoped that was an issue of the past, too bad as most of my archvis projects are now commercial and pretty large.
@unknownuser said:
Also, the LumenRT 2 pre-processing time depends strongly on the total surface area of the model.
A warning will appear whenever you try to process models with a total surface area over 4,000
square meters (roughly 40,000 sqft) as the time required to process such models may become
prohibitive. For very large scenes, you should consider using the Auto-scale lighting feature (see
page 29).My model I test is just what you see in that screenshot - it's about 60x24m ...
Oh - surface area... ...but... this is a small model... only 25K faces... and this is too large?
Currently been processing for 23min...
One hour... cancelling... end of office day.
I think something like an export video feature (such as in Lumion) would be good, so you get the option of having a fixed flythrough that is a nice resolution & has AA etc.
Edit* also artificial lights
Edit again* also can it make me bacon sandwiches every morning and run my baths? just realised I'm asking for a bit too much possibly
I'll give this a try with my last project which was made for real-time using Unity 3D.
However before I would every be truly sold on LumenRT it would have to support web playback (WebGL without plugin) and the ability to freeze the real-time lighting such that the file can be played back on a normal PC instead of a super computer.
Thomthom, sounds like the option to Auto-scale lighting is not ticked. If you disable the Auto-scaling, LumenRT computes lighting at a very high definition, and if your model is large (in terms of surface area), this could take forever and generate enormous amounts of data.
The Auto-scale lighting option lets LumenRT automatically adapt the resolution of the lighting maps to the size of your mesh.Bottom line, make sure Auto-scale Lighting is enabled.
I hope that helps. Thanks for giving LumenRT a try
@dizain said:
Error installation LumenRT2 Sketchup 8 PRO Win XP.
Hi Dizain,
You need to be logged in as the admin user for the machine to install LumenRT. It puts the .reg file in the All Users/Application Data/e-onsoftware folder
Hi Dburdick,
i'm admin user for the machine to install LumenRT...
All Users/Application Data/e-onsoftware folder is not created.
Thanks -
@nicholas phelps said:
Thomthom, sounds like the option to Auto-scale lighting is not ticked. If you disable the Auto-scaling, LumenRT computes lighting at a very high definition, and if your model is large (in terms of surface area), this could take forever and generate enormous amounts of data.
The Auto-scale lighting option lets LumenRT automatically adapt the resolution of the lighting maps to the size of your mesh.Bottom line, make sure Auto-scale Lighting is enabled.
I hope that helps. Thanks for giving LumenRT a try
I had a go again with Auto-Scale enabled - still taking ages to process. Seems odd.
A model with four times as much faces ( ~100K ) processed much faster. It was also many times larger in size. -
That's weird indeed, Thomthom. Is it possible for you to share the model that takes so long to process?
No - not publicly. Privately I could. Email or dropbox?
Another thing - navigating a larger models is very difficult. The camera moves so very slow - hardly moved in some cases. On a smaller model, of a small house, it was ok.
What times should one expect for processing?
I dug up one of the smallest and simplest models I got. On Draft it went pretty quick - couple of minutes. But on Standard, with Auto-scale it takes so much longer. Granted it will, but it's going beyond what I'd expect. In this case the model has only ~8000 faces and currently the processing is at 45% @ 8min. The leap seem to be very big. I've not even thought of trying any of the higher qualities yet.
What kind of model does the time indicated refer to?
Any special preparation a model should be put through first? (Or am I just too impatient...?)I have a Quad 3Ghz, 12GB, Win7 64bit machine.