Suggested viewing
Top Gear returned the other night. Epic. Do ye get across the pond at same time?
I have seen all the Top Gears that are available here, I believe we are up to season 13. Brilliant, Love Jeremy's loose mouth, Richard the metrosexual and slow poke James, we have a version here that tries to mimic the Brit version but fails in every way, we are way too PC for it to be as good, plus we seem too scared to criticize bad models may be an advertising thing. Jeremy calls a model crap when he sees one and I love that honesty.
Yeah, Top Gear is great.
I am also a sucker for Pawn Stars and American Pickers.No Pete, Firefly is not continuing but every time they do another run of it I am glued. I also have the DVD series, it has two episodes that never aired. Plus they killed off a main character in the movie. So sad.
I got bored of Pawn stars but like Pickers a lot.
My wife likes Hoarders, I get the creeps watching that show.
I will watch Hoarders every now and then but it reminds me too much of my father's house. A couple more years and you might see me on TV cleaning out his house.
Wow in Aust we get bugger all of these!
Like mentioned:
Big Bang Theory,
How I met your mother,
The Office,
Man v's Wild,
And YES, Black Books - for some unknown reason a few friends see some character similarlties to Dylan Moran's character. Could be his level of disorganisation and the perpetual hangover!!! Could be my belief in hair of the dog!! -
How I Met Your Mother
2 Broke Chicks (or something like that)
Big Bang Theory
Just about anything on TED
Victory Garden
Locked Up
Holmes on Homes
American Restorers
CSI Las Vegas (rarely now, with the cast turnover)Lots of kids shows now that my DD is paying attention to things like Curious George and Super Why...
I avoid like the plague almost anything "reality", from American Idle to Ice Road Truckers to Jersy Shore. Just combine (overweight, dysfunctional, narcissistic, self-centered, argumentative or just downright dumb) in a series pitch to The History Channel, TLC, Discovery or any of the networks really and you've got a winner. Remember when you could actually learn things on H/TLC/Disc?
Regarding US's Top Gear, it has none of the wit, humor or antics of the fantastic UK series. Ours is pretty lame, essentially an hour long Ford or whatever commercial. Saw one episode. Never again.
@solo said:
Tom, if you like Scifi, then I'd suggest: Sunshine:
Thanks, I didn't see that one. I've not seen Star Trek: Enterprise either. Good tip.
Looking forward to this:
A few that weren't mentioned:
American Horror Story
Arrested Development
Falling Skies
Alcatraz -
I don't watch a lot of tv, mostly movies or news.
If you get a chance watch Tucker & Dale vs. Evil.Pretty funny horror/comedy. If you like Shaun of the Dead then you'll like it.
The Walking Dead is a great series, but I'm waning on the pace of the thing. -
@unknownuser said:
The Walking Dead is a great series, but I'm waning on the pace of the thing.
Yeah, second season seemed a little slow, however the sneak peak of season 3 looks like they are back into walker extravaganza.
I'm addicted regardless.
Just caught the first episode of the new Sherlock Holmes on Netflix. I think I'll be watching the lot of them, pretty engaging series!
Proving a great thread, I'm on episode 4 of "Game of Throne" and liking it a whole bunch.
I gotta get Netflix.
True Grit (by Coen Brothers) now on Netflix streaming. I watched Downton Abbey straight through in a couple weeks.
I assumed Sherlock would not be good, guess I should take a look. I liked the old series, with Jeremy Brett, also on Netflix and very worthwhile.
Breaking Bad is great acting, witty, and crazy; but pretty dark too.
I recommend Bronson on Netflix. It will help you understand why they picked Tom Hardy for Bane in The Dark Knight Rises.
I setup this NetFlix lark early and to be honest it's a bit crap.
Is it regionally limited in some way. Example, there's the first 4 season of 24, where's the rest? Everything on there seems 2008 and back.
There's the odd good show/movie but overall I'm not seeing the attraction