Trouble with push/pull and follow me
I'm trying to create a rectangular slab with radiused corners and a half-circle (bullnose) edge on three sides. If I start with a rectangle in the XY plane and radius the corners, then pull it in Z to create thickness and use a half-circle profile and follow-me to create the bullnose, I can't get past the first corner for some reason; follow-me won't let me round the corner (see temp2.skp). If I pull the slab to create thickness before radiusing the corners, then create a radius and push the excess back through the slab to eliminate it, the bottom of the slab gets pulled up slightly at one end of the raidused corner (see temp1.jpg and temp1.skp). This also makes it impossible to round the corner with follow-me. What am I doing wrong?
The follow me tool uses only 1 profile edge at a time. You can make a zero thickness rect with the radius edges and use the follow me and then force the bottom face to form or if you do it with thickness then select only one edge to follow.
There is a plugin you could use but you should probably learn how to do this manually.
I did not check but you have many segs in the corner arcs and I don't know if that maybe contributing to your problem. I did re-draw your posted example.
You also need to check your models. Turn on hidden lines and you will note you have some that should not be there. Hint: in area where side is pulled up but not the only spot
If you clean your model things work fine. Learn how to get the tangent inference with the ARC tool. If you go to styles, edges and select color by axis it will help you find the areas where there are model problems. -
Perhaps some of your problem has to do with the small size and the high number of segments you used for the rounded corner. That is certainly overkill. I scaled the model up and ran Follow Me around the corner without any trouble. Why in the world do you need so many segments in the radius around the corner?
This is what was indicated above;
Thanks, mac1. Using follow me on 0 thickness did the trick.
Dave R: Long ago I got in the habit of typing 100s after creating my first circle or arc as I usually would want more than the standard 12 segments (or whatever the number is) but wouldn't realize it until later in the design process at which point it would be very difficult to change. Large files is the price.