New to Sketchup. Trying to model a paraglider
I am new to skethcup and have been trying to draw a paraglider. Can anyone give me advice on this. I have looked at numerous designs but I run into problems when trying to bend the design into the parabolic shape.
Andy -
Show us what you have already.
This is what I have so far. I can't figure out how to get this bent into a parabolic shape. I have seen plugins that will do it but I am using SU8 free edition and can't figure out how to get plugins to work.
This is my second attempt. I like this version better but I need to pinch the outside corners down without distorting the center line of the model. I tried this via the scaling tool (while holding ctrl) but could not get both ends to pinch at the same angle
@andy1979 said:
This is what I have so far. I can't figure out how to get this bent into a parabolic shape. I have seen plugins that will do it but I am using SU8 free edition and can't figure out how to get plugins to work.
You probably have too many 'ribs' in the 2d 'plan'.
You also need some 'cross-section curves' to define the 3d shape.
When you have those you can look at Curviloft/EEbyRails/etc to try to make a 3d mesh from the 3d curves...
Plugins are straightforward...
Follow the installation/usage instructions that come with them on their download page...
Typically you put an .rb file, or file[s]+subfolder_of_other_support_files [extracted from a zip file], into Sketchup's Plugins folder and restart Sketchup.
The tools then appear in perhaps extensions to be activated, or maybe a menu and/or a toolbar etc - see their instructions as they can vary... -
After I posted your new post arrived.
If you are happy with that extruded shape then a few tips.
Get your axes right - at the moment it's lying on its back edge.
Ensure all faces are oriented so the front is 'out'.
Now round off the edges...I suspect that a combo of the two tries so far with the use of a 'meshing tool' might give more what you're after...
Maybe another newb question, but how to you round the edges?
Find the RoundCorner plugin...
You have the pro's help here, but maybe I can add something. You can make a component from one-half of our model, copy and scale by -1 and have symmetrical parts. Then you only work on one half, the other side will update accordingly.To see some basics on fabric shapes, see Daniel Tal's video here:
towards the end. Oldie but goodie. Then going to Curviloft and Extrude by Rails & other plugins you can expand on your organic modelling abilities.Peter