Chose your deckchair
the first one. if it comes with a parasol and someone else sitting on the next chair
Looks like the cushions would store smaller than the other alternatives.
Last one, looks most comfortable.
I'd also suggest calling it a deck chair and not a deskchair as in title.
no 3
hi boys, thank you for your feedback
this is supposed to be deckchair, not a deskchair - thank you solo for correction.the reason why i post this is that i would like to find the best upholstered option for this deckchair.
it is a birthday gift for my friend (set - 2x deckchair and coffee table).
i didnt design construction (very simple - reason why i chose it).I have just modeled as shown in figure.
i hope, i didnt do anything illegal ( -
For number 4 there is no distinction between white background and cushion !(on my screen monitor)
For me its 4-3-2-1. 4 just looks so comfy!
I like the cusions in the order 4,3,2. what an awsome birthday present! not bought, but built!
Oh by the way it is only illegal if you comercialise it I an not a lawyer but that is my understanding
I have attached an image of a modification sugestion for your consideration. (Rear leg end point)
Can I sugest you do a visual where the cusion extends beyond the extent of the "slats" by say 30mm I think that would really work
@unknownuser said:
For number 4 there is no distinction between white background and cushion !(on my screen monitor)
might need to set the brightness and contrast of your display probably
I like number 4 as long as the cushion doesn't end up sliding down.
However the others are a better technical design for outdoor furniture as they won't retain water.
Design considerations for the cushion. The No 4 option is ok in regards to drainage (look at fabrics such as: Phifertex
) the main concern is its ability to conform to the curvilinear surface without assistance other than gravity. This will depend on the fabric/filler combination. The articulated versions (smaller the better) would more readily conform to the surface. If you use a professional upholsterer they should know. If you can get the right materials combination for number 4 it will be cheaper as there is considerably less work in it. Might pay to employ ties or Velcro to force the cushion to conform to the surface form, for version 4, best of both worlds.
I like the first one.
@unknownuser said:
the first one. if it comes with a parasol and someone else sitting on the next chair
Agreed except... why sitting on the next chair? If you mean what I mean then 3,4 look more comfortable.
@michaliszissiou said:
@unknownuser said:
the first one. if it comes with a parasol and someone else sitting on the next chair
Agreed except... why sitting on the next chair? If you mean what I mean then 3,4 look more comfortable.
i knew what she meant to draw or design was really a deckchair. and that obviously an exterior furniture. that's why i prefer the first one. because it makes sense more to be an ext furniture.
since it's an exterior furniture, climate and sun ray might come into consideration. ultraviolet for instance. in higher degrees of sun like near mid day or noon, might be better to have something as a partial cover from the sun. there's where the parasol may come.
well, "someone else sitting on the next chair" was merely an intermezzo. since it might be good to spend some time just the two of, looking at scenery around. under the same parasol -
I prefer 2 or 3, 2 looks especially more temporary to me and the cushion is easy to store compared to 4.
Would love to see the finished product!